Ch 24: A bold face (part 2)

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As promised, part 2. Enjoy!

Fun fact: while uploading part 1 which has 2000+ words, my wattpad kind of couldn't handle good content, I guess...but thankfully I'm back and everything it's fine!


(y/n) quickly went to the great hall.

"Where have you been? " Runa asked when she finally found their table "You shouldn't be late for that event!"

"Maybe she was rewarding her girlfriend..." Mjoll smirked "We heard what you guys did today."

Seeing that everybody was sending her a death glare, she realized they were not supposed to talk about '(y/n)'s girlfriend' in public. And they were public! The hall was full of people: soldiers, guards, noblemen, craftsmen...

Then a huge, wooden door opened and a royal family entered the hall. Everybody stood up and bowed. The kings waited until his family got to their seats and then took a huge silver pint from a servant.

"Tonight we're celebrating the capture of the enemy!" he shouted raising his drink "John of Blackberry! That's the name of the filthy bastard that decided to put the greed over his own country and over his own king!"

The crowd made angry noises.

"But don't you all worry! Your king brings you good news! The traitor will spend his last days chained to rocks, tormented by the sea waves."

The crowd cheered.

"There are people who deserve special recognition for their indispensable part in traitor's capture. Commander McAvoy with his team! The castle guards, especially Tennant, Duncan, and Swinton! "

The crowd was cheering after each sentence.

"Our friends from the North, of course! And most importantly my daughter! She has strength after her father and wisdom after her beautiful mother! And she used both to stop the traitor."

(y/n) wasn't sure whether Merida put any thoughts into stopping the man but she kind of understood why the king said that. It sounded much more sublime than saying 'my daughter rammed into that dude and then beat the shit out of him'.

After the king's speech, the guests started approaching the people mentioned in it. The guests were crowding around (y/n)'s table to meet the team. Some of them were congratulating them, some were coquetting, some were trying to sell them things, some were asking questions...

Only after an hour, the team could finally catch the breath. (y/n)'s throat was completely dry so she decided to ease her pain by trying royal wine that the king had ordered to bring from the castle's pantry.

She approached a long table with some fancy drinks on it. Suddenly she noticed someone big standing behind her. She did a 180 just to see that the mysterious man was the king himself.

"Y-your majesty. " the girl said even though her throat was killing her "Shall I pour you something to drink? "

"No, I actually wanted to talk to you. " he said quietly which was strange considering that the people were very loud so there was no way that someone could overhear their conversation.

"If someone asks what were we talking about, tell them that we were discussing military stuff...or something..." the king said nervously. It was weird to see a king himself in such a state.

(y/n) nodded.

The man took a deep breath and continued "I might be the king but I still don't know many things. I don't know why the sky is blue, why leaves turn red in autumn, wy my wife is able to talk to lady Swinton for an hour with no brake..." he glanced at his wife who was indeed talking with some blond woman. "...that was a joke, sorry...And I don't know why some woman fancy man and why some women fancy other women..."

'Or both' (y/n) wanted to say but she decided not to. She let the king have this moment.

"But what I know is that my daughter loves you. And I know for sure that she'd be safe with you."

"S-so you let us be together?!"

The king frowned. It was clear that he needed time to figure things out but he was doing his best to be supportive.

"Y-y-yeah you can be together" he said a little awkwardly "Just least for now..."

"Sure..." the girl said, not knowing whether she should be happy that he didn't condemn them or sad that he seemed so hesitant.

He probably figured out that he made the girl feel uneasy because his voice became warmer instantly "You should be having fun at the party! May I offer you a drink?" he reached for a rather small corked bottle "Black-Briar Mead! Best mead of them all! " he poured her a glassful of the beverage and walked away.

She took a small sip of the mead...and it was delicious. She looked at Merida. When the girl caught her sight, (y/n) raised her glass and send her a warm smile. Things were getting better...very slowly but still she felt like the future will bring them something good.

On the same night, many miles away from the castle, a ship was wading through the sea waves. Little did anybody knew how many miseries will it bring to Scotland...


Thanks for reading!

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