Ch30: The power of rainbow

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Hi everyone!

Wow, it the 30th chaptre already! As you may know, I am a university student so I have very little time for myself but I still try my best to give you guys content that you enjoy. I do my best to check the grammar, make sure the plot is engaging but most importantly that you are having a great time because you- the audience, are the most important part of this journey for me as a creator!

I know that Wattpad is giving this opportunity but I'll never take money just so the people can read my work! This part will always be free! However sometimes it's not so easy to balance studying, work, and writing, that's why if you want to be a great help for me and an absolute ANGEL, you can support me by website Buy me a coffee ( I'm NorDragon. Even the smallest donation would mean so much to me!

Of course, it's optional. Just having you here with me, enjoying the story, puts a huge smile on my face!


(y/n) was sitting in a cozy workroom, nested in a huge armchair. A few hours before, while the three were wading through the dark forest, they found a small hut. The owner – an elder lady seemed a bit crazy but she was very nice and let them spend the night at her house. Maybe it wasn't the wisest idea to sleep in a complete stranger's place but they were too exhausted to think straight. Besides nothing suspicious or bad had happened so far...only that old lady's raven was creeping (y/n) out. She glanced at the animal which was staring at her nonstop.

"Is there something on my face?" she said annoyed.

"FACE!" the raven screeched, repeating her words.

(y/n)'s eyes widened. "Aaaand here goes my tonight's sleep." She laughed nervously and moved away from the creepy bird. She walked past Philip and Marcus who were fast asleep near the fireplace and took a seat by the window. 

Night forest scenery was spooky as hell but she found it oddly beautiful and intriguing. Suddenly she noticed a tiny blue dot in a distance. Then another appeared, this time much closer to the hut. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating but they were still there. Naturally, the unknown view was freaking her out but at the same time, something inside her was telling her to approach the blue light. Finally, she decided to examine the situation.

She covered herself with a woolen blanket and opened the front door. Before she left, she turned around and pointed her finger at the black bird.

"The forest alone is creepy enough. So you stay here!" she whispered

"HERE" the raven repeated

"Why am I even talking to an animal?" she scolded herself.

When she was finally outside, she got a closer look at the strange blue anomaly. It turned out to be...a creature, some sort of spirit. In (y/n)'s folklore ghosts were rather dangerous so she hoped that Scotland's spirits are more human-friendly.

"You're not a draugr, aren't you?" she whispered at the small spirit "You won't eat me, huh?"

The creature remained silent and when the girl got a little closer, it disappeared.

"Hey! Come back!" the girl said. Then she noticed another blue spirit, and another one, and many more! They created a line that was going deeper into the forest.

"Is it a path? You want me to go there?" (y/n) asked but received no answer. She wanted to turn back to the hut but the feeling that she should follow them became obnoxious. Finally, she decided to trust her intuition and followed the blue path.

(Merida X female reader) Scottish NymphWhere stories live. Discover now