Ch 21.5 Just a few drinks

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Hi everyone!

1) HAPPY PRIDE MONTH to all my LGBTQ+ followers/readers! 

If you're out there you can let me know (but don't feel pressured to do so). I'd love to know if you're safe , do you feel accepted whereever you live, how are you celebrating the pride month during this hard time... Most importantly, know that you're valid as a person and no goverment, ideology or bias idiot can change that! Stay strong and never deny who you are!

2) This chapter is a little bit different because I'm in the middle of finals week (or rather 3 weeks but y'know who cares... definitely not my school system) so I'd written this as a form of relaxation and at first didn't plan to publish it. Don't worry, tho. As soon as I'll be done with the exams, I'll continue the main story.

In conclusion, this might not be the best thing that had appeared in this story...yeah that's the end of the conclusion...ok just kidding, I just really feel bad for making you guys wait so I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter and stay here with me, ready for chapters 22+.


[The chapter takes place after CH 16, when (y/n) recovered from her wounds and went to her first training]

After the meeting with a Scottish commander, the nordic group alongside Merida went to the city's tavern, the same where the huge party with nordic clan took place a few weeks before. However, this time the building was nearly empty.

"I don't want to be a buzz-kill" Runa mumbled to Merida "But can you really walk into the tavern...just like that? You're a princess after all."

"I've done worse things in public than having a simple drink, trust me. " Merida said "The locals are used to it at this point."

"Maybe we could get everything for free if we are with the princess. " Inigo thought out loud.

In response to his idea, Mjoll smacked the back of his head.

"Loki give me strength not to kill that woman!" he said through his teeth.

"All right! " Olaf interrupted the fight "Lighten up a little, would ya?! "

The group sat down behind a long table. Not long after, the barman came to take their order. Happy to hear that the customers did not choose the cheapest drink from the menu and seeing the princess herself, he gave a signal to a tavern's band to start playing music.

When the tune started playing Olaf's eyes widened "Oh I know this song!" 

He stood up and did a few (very graceful) dancing steps.

Everybody looked at him confused.

"When did you become a Scottish folk dancer?" Runa raised her brow

"Well" he blushed "A local dancer maight've taught me some moves. He's a really big.. talent, for sure."

"Than let's try those moves on the dance floor!" Merida said with excitement and ran up to (y/n) in the same dancing steps that Olaf did a few seconds before.

"C'mon! I need a dancing partner!"

"Oh, I don't know..." (y/n) said hesitantly "Maybe you should take someone who is better in choreography and dancing..."

"I don't want a perfect dancer, I want you. " Merida grinned. Then she added "But I won't insist, of course. "

(y/n) took a few seconds to gather her courage and finally said "Let's do this!"

The princess grabbed (y/n)'s hand and pulled her to the dance floor. Olaf grabbed Mjoll's. The rest two stayed at the table.

At first (y/n) had a problem with keeping up with the tune, once she even tripped over her own foot. Luckily, Merida was right next to her and didn't let her fall down.

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