Ch 36: Perfect

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Hi everyone!

This is the last chapter but stay tuned for the epilogue. But before that, I have a question: If I ever wrote an original story here or other platform, would you be interested to read it?

Also, if you enjoy my work you can support me via liberpay or buymeacoffee.


Still in shock, the girl wiped off the blood with her shaking hands. Despite having a thick wooden spear in his throat, Cicero seemed to have a lot to say. He kept mumbling to himself, making an awful gurgling sound in the process. 

(y/n) decided not to focus on the massacred man and instead tried to find her savior. She looked around a saw a small group of people running towards her. She quickly recognised her friends. First to reach her was Merida who immediately threw her arms around her partner. 

"I'm so glad you're alive!" the princess said while squeezing (y/n) in a tight hug.

When the rest caught up with them, the girl shared a hug with each of her friends.

"It's good to see ya in one piece!" the king laughed

Hjalmar simply send her a concerned yet caring gaze.

"At this point" Olaf giggled "you have to start wearing a bell on your neck, or something!"

"Ai! I lose you from my sight way too often, my love!" Merida agreed

Suddenly, the lively chatter was interrupted.

"(Y-y/n)" they heard a weak sound coming from Cicero.

"You motherfu-" Merida was about to strike the man.

"P-please" he whispered and reached out his hand to (y/n).

Everybody looked at the girl in suspense.

She approached the defeated man and gently shook his hand in a compromise gesture. She'd won anyway and, weirdly, she felt bad for him...and that was a huge mistake.

With all strength that he had left, Cicero jolted forward, trying to push the girl off the cliff. At once, Hjalmar grabbed (y/n) and Fergus kicked the madman away. The impact pushed Cicero a few meters back and, to his horror, he fell off the edge. One could say that he met his end impaled by the sharp rocks beneath. However, he did live long enough to hear sounds of relief and joy coming from above.


After they got to safety, the royal couple announced that Merida could join (y/n)'s clan on their way back to their homeland, so the girls could have their well-deserved vacations. Their free time was rather lazy and monotone. However, after going through so much in the past few months, boredom was exactly what they both needed. They were hanging out in the wild. (y/n) showed Merida her home and introduced her to her family. They had a couple adventures but they had been nothing but fun. The couple of weeks that had passed were joyful, peaceful, and idyllic.


(y/n) was standing at the cliff, looking down at the sea when she noticed a familiar ship. She waved at her friends who were on board. They waved back energetically and shouted something in response but the harsh wind made the message completely unintelligible. The crew was sailing to Europe to trade. Hjalmar allowed (y/n) to stay in the village but she knew it was probably the last job she'd missed. After all, her vacation lasted almost 2 months. Eventually, she would have to come back to her chores and responsibilities. 

Suddenly she heard footsteps. She was happy to see that it was Merida.

"Good morning!" the princess sent her a warm smile

"Morning! Sorry that I left so early but I wanted to say goodbye to Olaf and the rest. They won't be back in three weeks or so!"

"That's fine! I wanted to talk to you, actually." Merida said and they both took a seat on silky grass "Yesterday I got a letter from my mother. She said that after Nora's rebellion things agitated in politics. Scotland is entering a very unstable faze, I'm afraid. And that's why..." Merida took a pause and bit her lip "That's why I feel I must get back home. My country needs a strong lead right now. It has an amazing king and wise queen, and I want to take the stand with them as a princess."

(y/n) nodded. She was sad that her partner wanted to leave but her reasons were very noble. 

"If you ever needed any help you know you have my ax...and my heart."

"I know." Merida gazed at her with affection "And that's probably the main reason why I finally feel I can stand up to this role I'd been avoiding for years, and take good care of my people!"

(y/n) glanced at the horizon and asked "When the situation in Scotland will get back to normal, could I visit you again?"

Merida grinned "Of course! Or maybe I'll come back here? Or maybe we'll go around the continent and travel for a while...we have a whole life ahead, after all."

(y/n) couldn't help but smile "That's a wonderful idea!" She gently grabbed Merida's cheeks and leaned in for a kiss when a strong wind blew Merida's hair into the girl's face.

"Oh my! I'm sorry!" the princess giggled and quickly swept her long curls away "I've ruined the moment!"

"No, no, don't be sorry!" (y/n) also laughed "Actually, it's..."

"It's what?"

"It's perfect!"


Thank you for reading and HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!

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