Chapter 1: (Not)Perfect meeting

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Hi! I hope you're going to enjoy my new fanfiction about the flaming red hair princess. I created it as "X reader" but if you want you can use a name of a character that you like, for example. 
English is not my first language so there's a huge chance that you'll say "What the hell that means?!" at least once. I'm sorry but I'm still learning. 

[I don't own "Brave"; the picture:]

(y/n) your name [or a name of some character, it doesn't need to be you] 
(h/c) hair color

(y/n) breathed in fresh air. She was standing on the edge of the cliff, admiring a beautiful view of the north sea. Her (h/c) hair was waving in the wind.

"(y/n)! It's time. " a tall man shouted

"Coming!" the girl glanced for the last time at the sea and dashed to the main square.

It was a very important day not only for her but for the whole community. The day when they will visit the other clan and make an alliance to be better prepared in case of war or different (boring) political stuff. Anyway, she couldn't be late for their chief's speech.

"For the long years we were isolated from the rest of the world but finally we have found a worthy ally." The chief was explaining while the crowd cheered "Today we will go and together with our new friends celebrate in their land"

 When everything was over, (y/n) went to the harbor where two boats were waiting.    

(y/n) sighed "Not him again."

"I thought the chief is taking only warriors!" said Henric, the village's muscleman "Well, the service is also needed. Get busy!" he passed a bucket with water.

If she could, she'd pure all this dirty water at him. Unfortunately, it was a part of her "training". (y/n) 's clan was famous especially for its well-trained army. Before you became a formal warrior you're doomed to years of hard training and awful treating by older colleagues.

So she spent the day of travel on cleaning the boat. She only could relax during lunch break.


(y/n) sat and looked at the water. A short girl approached her and passed a package.

"Your meal." she smiled

"Hi Clair! Thanks! Wanna sit with me?"

"I would love to!" Clair sighed

Two girls were close friends and spend a lot of time together. Clair wasn't interested in anything connected with fighting, though.

(y/n) peeked into the package and then at her friend

"What the heck is this?"

"Your lunch. I made it all by myself during my cooking classes." She said proudly

(y/n) took a piece of something what should be grilled beef. Let's be honest, it was a well-known thing that Clair was not... the best... at all in doing her job.

"Maybe you can add some herbs next time for a better taste." (y/n) tried to swallow a piece of burned meat

"Hmm. That would be a great idea! Anyway, I hope that you like it."

"I love it." (y/n) lied

"Speaking about love."

A deafening squeal interrupted her. They looked at the other side of the boat. Surrounded by a group of fangirls, a tall good-looking guy was stretching up.

(Merida X female reader) Scottish NymphWhere stories live. Discover now