Ch8: A dryad

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It was a warm, sunny morning in the Scottish royal forest. Perfect time for a refreshing bath in a crystal clear stream.

(Y/n) slowly got into cold water. When she got used to the temperature, she began to wash her body from sweat and raspberry juice (don't ask how it ended up under her top).
Suddenly she felt something warm and soft on her waist.

"How are you doing, my queen?" Merida gently put her hands on (y/n)'s hips and leaned in.

"Its a very nice place. Kind of magical, honestly."

"Yeah. There's something extraordinary about this clearing. Well, it's much more special when you are here with me." Merida gently kissed (y/n)'s shoulder.
(Y/n) flinched a little when Merida's warm skin pressed into her back.
"You know" Merida pressed their cheeks together "If I am a Nymph, then you are a dryad."

"Dryad? Like these water creatures who drawn men?"


"Shouldn't you be afraid then?"

"But I'm not a man."

"So what dryads do with women? With Nymphs?"

"I don't know" Merida grinned "I was hoping that you'd show me"

"All right" (y/n) smiled playfully "I'll demonstrate it to you."

(Y/n) turned around and threw her arms around Merida's neck. She pressed their lips together.

Merida moaned quietly and kissed (y/n) back with equal passion. She ran her hands down (y/n)'s back. Her skin was warm and soft as silk. Quite an unusual feature for a warrior. When she reached her hips (or maybe a little bit lower), she grabbed them and picked (y/n) up. The girl wrapped her legs around Merida's waist.

(Y/n) put her hand into Merida's hair. She absolutely adored feeling its soft texture and fresh smell.

Suddenly the river's tide became stronger. Merida staggered and both girls fell into the water.

(Y/n) giggled, spitting out water.

"T-that" Merida brushed her hair out of her smiley face "that was a quite good demonstration."

"Oh...that was just the beginning." (Y/n) pulled Merida up and glanced into her deep blue eyes "But let's change the location" She pulled the red-haired girl in direction of the small waterfall "This kind of actions require some more privacy...if you know what I mean."
If someone was courageous enough and took a peek behind the small waterfall, he'd see two women. At first, he'd be confused, then ashamed that he witnessed such a scene and left the forest with a deep red blush.
However, it was impossible, because no one knew about the secret paradise in the middle of the old Scottish forest. Besides, if he somehow managed to find the clearing, and peeked behind the falling water, the red-haired girl wouldn't let him leave the scene alive.
Thank you very much for reading. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter😊.

What do you think? What kind of smell would Merida's hair have? She isn't the 'lady' type but maybe she's a secret fan of perfumes or essential oils. Or maybe it smells like smoked wood or a forest clearing in the summer...

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