Chapter 2

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Jisung's POV
We walked to where in guess the training room is.
"So here we will see how good you are." Chan said. I just nodded.
"You wanna start him off tough or easy?" Hyunjin asked
"Tough I wanna see what he's made of." Chan said.
I walked in the middle of the room.
"Changbin. Your our toughest. Now no killing." Chan said.
Changbin stepped in front of me. "Are bruises and cuts allowed?" He asked looking at Chan.
"I only said no killing." He replied.
"Alright lets go." Changbin said as he pulled out a little blade.
"Start." Is all that Chan said.
Changbin ran up to me with the knife. I dodged it quickly and hit his back. He stumbled but turned around. He tried to stab me again , I grabbed his wrist and kicked his stomach. To easy. He got out of my grip and went to throw a punch. I ducked. He tried to punch me again but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it and pushed him back. He kicked me this time I let my self fall to the ground, he went to get on top of me and punch me but I kicked the inside of his knee with my heel. He fell with a grunt and the blade fell. I got up and towered over him. I put my hand out for him to grab, he looked at me confused so I did a hand motion to him. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. "Sorry" I said shyly. "Nah don't be sorry that was the most fun I've had in training." He said. "Woah" Felix I think said "why don't you go against him Chan hyung?" Seungmin said.
Chan nodded.
Shit. He looks tougher then the last one .
"Seungmin and Felix make sure chanbin doesn't have any wounds and woojin  tell us when to start. And this time actually punch." He order.
We all nodded.
"S-Start." Woojin said a little timid.
Chan took a swing but I ducked and punched his stomach. He went back a little back. He swung at me this time he actually hit me. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I shook it off and punched his stomach. He went back again. "Woah you really know what you're doing." He said as I caught his fist trying to punch me. "Well." I dodged one of his punches again. "I've had a lot of practice." I said coming back up. He kicked me, this time I stumbled back. "What do you mean practice?" He said as he was about to punch me. "Horrible past." I said punching him in the face, he stumbled. I kicked him as he stumbled and he fell.  "What the hell?!" I heard Felix say.
I put my hand out again for Chan to grab.
"Yeah What Felix said what the hell?!" I heard Chan say.
"How do you know how to do that?" Changbin said.
"When I was younger my mother past and my brother fell into depression. When my dad was out planning for the funeral, my brother... killed himself. I was the one who found him, and then my dad would get drunk and abuse me and tell me I'm the reason their dead. So one hit after another I got a lot of bruises, and kids at my school called me a freak and weird. When I got to middle school kids started to hit my dad started to hit harder so ever since then I kinda have to fight for myself." I said making sure the tears that were begging to fall , didn't.
"So you..taught yourself all that." Chan said
I nodded. "That's not the first time a knife or gun has been pulled on me. My dad would always hold a knife to my stomach or neck saying I should die. Kids at my school got a hold of guns and would beat me then put a gun in my mouth or next to my head and pull the trigger like Russian roulette. So yeah nothing really startled me." I said looking at my worn out convers.
"Wait so you went through all of this.. old were you." Felix said.
"Uhh eight to seventeen." I said trying to remember the age.
"Wait how old are you?" Chan asked.
"I'm eighteen just turned eighteen not to long ago." I said.
"So you just got out of that?" I nodded.
"Well damn I'm sorry." Changbin said.
"Don't be you weren't the one who caused it." I said with a little smile
Beep beep
We all turned our heads to the door.
The 'kids' got up and ran over to the noise.
"Yo hyung's we got a lead on Kim hendo. He's at an apartment downtown." Felix said.
"Wait I know where that is. It's been abounded for years." I said remembering the place.
"Well think your up for your first mission?" Chan asked.
I nodded.
He opened a drawer. It had guns and blades in it.
"Take a pick." I grabbed a blade that had a white handle and sharp end.
"Ready?" Chan asked.
"Yeah." I replied.
We ran out to the van. Chan handed a black mask to me.
"Welcome to the team, Jisung." He said.
I slipped the mask on.
"Wait why are we going after him?" I asked wanting to make sure that we don just kill a guy for no reason.
"Kim Hendo is a money kinda guy. But with money comes snakes. He raped ten thirteen year olds girls and touched two girls really bad. He also killed a girl cause he got her pregnant. But since he has so much money he doesn't get caught, that's We're we come in." Chan said.
I nodded again.
The van stopped.
"Let's go."
We all got out. And went into the building. I felt something wrong when we walked in front of the room where he is.
"Wait." I said as I saw the door open.
"Does anyone have something that's a dark color?" I asked.
Changbin handed me a black little book.
"Is this anything important?" I asked making sure.
He shook his head. "It was a little book on the side of the street."
I slid the book on the floor and when it stopped I saw a white line above it.
"Ok I know I'm new and stuff but who ever has a gun if you see an reflection on the floor shoot it. And look down, if you see a wire just step over it and wait for the person with the gun to shot them out please." I said looking where the book was.
"Wait why?" Changbin asked.
"Because they have trip wires. They knew you were coming." I said looking at changbin.
"That's to cool. When we're done teach me how you know bro." He said.
We walked in the room.
Hyunjin, the one with the gun shot every reflection as the rest of us looked down.
"Ah stray's welcome."

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