Chapter 6

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Jisung's POV
"Princesses" he whispered.
He moved his head to my shoulder.
"I can smell him on you." Minho growled as his grip got a little tighter on my waist.
"I don't like that." I gulped
"I don't like that he touched what's mine." He continued.
"H-Hyung it's in the past. I'm here and I'm with you, I'm with everyone." I said smiling a little.
"Yeah but know more gangs probably know your name or face. Anyone could try and grab you." He said looking at me.
"I'll be fine hyung. No one can touch me if I'm with you or with any of stray kids." I said running my hands through his hair.
"I know that. It's just your so beautiful I'm afraid you'll get taken again." I shivered when he called me beautiful.
"Fuck I'm glad he stayed behind." One of the men said as they circled a little around me. I was tied down to a chair.
"I know right he's beautiful." One said as they touched my neck. 'Right were minho always whispers on to scare me' I thought.
"Princess?" I snapped back to reality after hearing the nickname.
"Y-Yes?" I asked looking him in the eyes.
"Why did you shiver? Did I say something wrong?" He asked his hand coming up it my face, cupping it one handed.
"I-It's just that the first time they touched me, they touched me where you would always whisper on my neck to scare me. And they called me 'beautiful' I didn't like being touched by someone else in the same spot." I said hiding in his chest.
"Aw Princess do you want me to stop calling you that?" I shook my head no.
"I like when you call me that."
"Ok. Princess go get changed and get some rest." Minho said.
"But hyung your warm." I said snuggling into his chest a little more.
"Come on princess." He went to my ear.
"Or I'll have to change you." He said lowly in my ear. I shot up and grabbed one of his hoodies and my underwear.
It's become a habit. Before I left I grabbed one of his hoodies.

When I walked out, Minho had nothing but joggers. Yup, he didn't have a shirt on. I almost drooled. He had a flat stomach with ab's lining it, it was toned a little.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said smirking at me.
"Why do I need to take a picture, when you're right here?" I said walking over to my bed.
"No princess over here." He said patting his hand to the spot next to him.
"Why?" I asked looking at him.
"Because I didn't wake up to see your face nor did I get to at least touch you, so you're sleeping next to me. Now get over here." He said sternly. I gulped and walked over. He laid down against the wall while I laid down on the out side.

A couple minutes past and we were whispering and joking. It was interrupted by the door swinging open. Minho grabbed his gun that was under his pillow and pointed it at the door, he put his free arm over my body in a protective manner.
We saw Chan close the door quietly.
"Chan you-" Minho was cut off by Chan putting his gun to his lips, signaling to be quiet. I was about to get up when Minho grabbed me preventing me from doing so. I pointed at my bed with big eyes. He shook his head. I moved his arm and made my way to my bed, I felt around under my bed. I stopped when I felt familiar metal against my skin. My blade, it's still here. I went back over to Minho's bed showing him that all I did was grab my blade. He put one arm around my waist squeezing it a little.
After about a minute in silence the door swung open, it hit the wall, makings loud bash hit our ears.
"Oh look at that we got lucky. Your glad this is the first door we opened or let's just say stray kids would have became short some members." A guy snickered.
Their were a couple people behind him.
"Well I see you've taken what's mine, you know it's wrong to steal from other gangs." The guy said. His voice finally clicked in my ears.


"What the hell are you talking about?! The only person in the wrong is you for braking in to a headquarters!" Chan yelled while his gun was pointed at the guys.
"Oh you didn't tell them, baby? Wait you didn't know. Well you see the little boy you brought in, that's my boyfriend. So id like what's mine back." He said.
I held my blade in a protective manner and stepped in front of Chan and Minho. Both of them tried to stop me.
"Kai, Leave now." I said holding the blade tightly.
"Not unless you come with me, my baby." He said stepping towards me.
"One I'm not your baby. And two if I go with you will you leave stray kids alone?" I asked.
"Jisung! Don't you even fucking think about it!" Chan yelled at me.
"Yes I will. My boss really wants to meet you." Kai said going to touch me I moved back a little.
"O-Okay lets go." I said still having my blade in a protective manner.
He went to grab my arm, but I moved it away.
God, I just got out of being kidnapped and it's happening all over again?! Ugh! At least they won't get hurt.
He grabbed my arm roughly, I yelped a little. His grip was so tight, there was going to be a bruise if he held it any tighter.
Bang, thud.
The grip left my arm, I looked over to see one of the guys behind Kai, dead. He was in a pool of his own blood.
"Like you said before, you don't take what's yours, well your taking what's mine. Now let him go or their will be brains and dna spread all on theses walls." I looked back at Minho with his gun now pointing to Kai.
"Yeah right like you have the-" a couple more thuds. I looked back to see Felix, Changbin, hyunjin, Seungmin, woojin, and JeongIn, they killed all of his guys. "Oh look is this the rest of the stray kids? Well more the fun." He said bringing out a gun himself. Minho grabbed the gun and grabbed his neck and put his gun to his head.
"I'm going to let you go, so you can go and tell you're boss and shit, not to come around us. But the next time you touch what I have claimed or if you touch any of stray kids, I will find you and cut each limb off. Then I will watch you cry in pain and beg for mercy. Then I will put a bullet through your fucking head and have your brains scattered on the fucking floor." Minho growled as his grip on Kai's neck got tighter.
"What you've claimed? Ha that slut, yeah right." Kai said.
Minho slammed him into the wall by his neck.
"Yes what I have claimed. Now you better fucking leave or I will kill you and torture you in front of everyone." Minho said.
"Ha like I'm gonna listen to you, you won't your a fucking pussy." He spat in minho's face.
"Chan get I.N out of the fucking room." He said. Chan did so then walked back in, woojin went to go join him.
"Yeah get the fetus out of here I don't want to see his ugly ass." Kai said snickering.
Minho shot his leg, he screamed out in pain as he fell.
He grabbed out his blade from under his bed and held it to Kai's eye.
"I'm going to cut your eyes out and watch you sockets bleed out, then I'm going to cut your tongue out and watch you try and talk but only having blood ooze out of your mouth, then I'll slit your fucking throat and put a bullet in you skull while you, a eye-less, speech-less, bleeding, thing try's to beg for mercy." Minho said.
I felt shivers down my spine.
He moved the blade away from Kai's eye and went to his neck, he slowly cut it, not to deeply but just enough to make it bleed.
"Don't you ever talk about my family like that." Minho said as he shot his head.
Minho was panting. Probably angry.
He looked at me, Chan, then everyone else. He gulped. He fell to his knees and started to cry. I ran over to him and Hugged him.
"I'm a monster, I'm a monster."

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