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Minho's POV
"What are we?" That caught me off guard but I covered it with a little smile. "Whatever you want us to be." I said rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand. "I...don't know.." He said I felt my heart stop a little bit. "Well when you do know, I'll be right here to take the name." I said smiling at him. He smiled back at me. I kissed his forehead. As I wrapped my hands around his waist, the door opened. "Come on Minho it's time for tra-" Chan stopped his sentence looking at us. Jisung was snuggled in my chest and his hands were around my neck, while my head was laying on his and my hands were around his waist. "What the hell?! What are y'all doing?!" He yelled. Jisung's rolled off the bed and ran to the restroom. I chuckled as I heard the door lock. "What were you guys doing?" Chan said looking shocked. "Cuddling." I said as I grabbed a shirt. "Shirtless?" Chan asked taking the shirt from me, I snatched it back. "Yes." I said slipping on the shirt. Then someone came through the door, Felix. "Where's Jisung?!" He asked as he came in with a thing of makeup. Me and Chan pointed to the restroom hesitantly. He ran and knocked on the door. "Ji? It's lix." He said. The door opened and pulled Felix in then slammed shut again. Me and Chan looked at each other then back at the door.

Jisung's POV
"Lix help. Please" I asked as he came in with a little thing of makeup. "Damn, how many did he do?" Felix asked looking at my neck. "I have no idea lix" I said giggling. "Well I always cover my hickeys with makeup because I don't want the team teasing me or Binnie or have the bad guy know I have a relationship." Felix said. "Wait you have hickeys?" I asked. Felix looked at me then at the makeup. "You can't tell anyone and you can't make fun of me or my bin ok?" He said turning on the sink. I nodded, he got some water and a towel and wiped his neck. "Damn." I said looking at his neck.

"He's not as bad as Minho but I have more on my thighs and stomach

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"He's not as bad as Minho but I have more on my thighs and stomach." He said. I giggled. He started to apply make on my neck. "He care and loves you, you know that right?" Felix said concentrating on my neck. "Yeah I know he won't stop saying it and I'm not gonna make him stop either." I said smiling. "No like I mean more then you know." I looked at Felix confused. "What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"I've known Minho hyung since I was five, we grew up together. He was my best friend and still is. He helped me get my first date, my first break up he was there and he was amazing. If I hadn't met bin I probably would have fell for Minho hyung." Felix said chuckling a little. "But through years and years he's never cared for anyone like this, not even his ex, who he swore he loved so much. When you got kidnapped, he literally lost his feelings. Every time we went on a mission he would kill without blinking. When we got home he would always be in y'alls room or the training room. He looked like he lost his will to live. He always eat in the room, he would always try and find you. When he got mad he got mad. He would punch the walls in the room or would punch the punching bag. He almost broke it. But when you came back, he had this light in his eyes. He looked like a different person. When me or Chan would try and make him eat, he would always leave it there and say he had to find you or that'd he wasn't hungry. Soon enough he ate, he would break down crying when they came back from a mission. I was afraid that we lost you, one because you're an amazing person and friend and I would be heartbroken but also because Minho hyung. Just a week and he lost his mind, imagine if they k-killed you. I-I don't think any of us would be ok. But Hyung, he would die. Emotionally and physically.  You have no idea how much he cares. I know Minho hyung better then he knows him self, and I can tell that if you hurt him or he loses you it's the end for him." Felix finished. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I took the words in. Felix wiped my tear. "He won't ever hurt you and I can promise you that, he does love you." Felix said as he finished the makeup. I hugged Felix. "Not only did I get Minho hyung but I also got you and everyone else. I got a family." I whispered hugging him. He hugged me back. "I'm glad I'm your family." Felix said. We separated.
After Felix finished his makeup we walked out to see Minho sitting on his bed. Felix ran out the room and closed the door. I was about to sit down on my bed when Minho spoke up. "Lock the door." He said sternly. I don't know what's wrong with me but just hearing him say something in that voice makes me feel weak at my knees. I went and locked the door and walked back and sat down on my bed. Minho got up and walked over to me. Every step sounded like my heartbeat, loud and strong. He stood in front of me. He lifted my head up by my chin. He kissed me slowly. I gripped his shirt, the kiss was so slow but so heated. I felt like melting in my bed. He pulled away, again slowly. "What did he say?" Minho asked looking in my eyes. "He was talking about our hickeys and you." I blurted our without thinking. I'm hypnotized. I looked down the in his eyes again. "What did he say about me?" He asked as he went to my ear nibbling it. He knows what he's doing, and he doesn't care. "A-About how you love and care for me and about how you guys are best friends as about when I was kidnapped." I said closing my eyes. He looked at me. "Did he tell you everything, Princess?" He asked. "I-I think but I want to hear you tell me your side." I said he sat down next to me but his feet were facing me. I crawled over to him and lay my head on his chest.He took a deep breath. "I love you, my princess." He said as he ran his hands through my hair. "I love you too, daddy." I smiled up at him. I never knew I love you could mean something so deep. I never knew three words could hold so much. It's like just three careless words that fall right out of our mouths and we never know the true meaning until we last day it.

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