Chapter 4

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Jisung's POV

"Miss who?" I was startled by the new voice.
"I uh-"
"We could take you back we're not keeping you prisoner, well not yet." He cut me off.
"No, I actually like it here. I finally feel like I filled a hole in my life, like I finally belong somewhere." I said looking in his eyes.
"Understand able I mean we are the stray kids." He chuckled sitting down next to me.
"But you didn't answer me. Who do you miss?" He asked
"My brother." I said looking down.
"Why?" He asked scooting closer.
"Well when my mom and dad would fight, and they fought a hole lot.
He would always whisper a story or sing to me. He would protect me. A-and in his s-suicide note, he said he's sorry for not protecting me the right way. It broke my heart knowing he thinks that he didn't protect me." I said feeling the tears in my eyes.
"What story would be tell?" Minho asked putting his hand on my thigh.
"Here I'll tell it." I said putting the tears back.
"Their once was a prince, he would always run away, wishing, hoping to find a better place other then his old castle. One day he walked a little to far, he couldn't find his way back. He stumbled into the wrong side and was surrounded by knights and horse and spears. He thought he was done for. But a much more beautiful prince came and told them to stand down. The prince was in instant awe, how could someone of higher than him , help him. How could someone so beautiful be so kind. Well years past and the prince's fell in love, they grew old together. So one their last day of living they asked for one simple request. It was that the different people and royalty lived in peace. And they did." I said still remembering all the details.
"Wow, that was beautiful." Minho said.
"What was the song? If you don't mind me asking." I shook my head.
"I don't mind. The song was one that he wrote himself."
"Can I hear you sing it?" He asked.
"No I don't remember the words." I said looking in his eyes.
"Well wanna practice?" I nodded.
We got up and went in the middle of the room.
"Ready?" He asked. I nodded again.
He through a fist in my direction I dodged it.
"Why are you so calm with us?" He asked as I tried to kick him.
"I don't know, I...I feel safe for some reason." I said as we fought some more.
He pinned me to a punching bag.
"Even around me, Princess?"
I shivered but flipped us so that he was pinned.
"I'm still debating." I said moving away. But he grabbed my wrist and pinned me again.
"Good cause you shouldn't trust a criminal." He said putting his hand next to my head.
"I've trusted worse." I said kicking him back.
He went behind me and grabbed my waist.
"You have? Well watch your trust, wouldn't want a beautiful body like yours getting even more hurt." He turned me around so that I was facing him.
"Now would we princess ?" I took my chance and kicked the back of his knees so that he fell.
I got on top of him and squat down to his level.
"Don't think I need protecting , pretty boy." I said standing up.
I lowered my hand for him to grab.
As he was about to grab my hand when we heard clapping. We both turned to the sound.
"Wow can I have an encore?" He said still clapping.
Minho scoffed.
"How long have you been standing their Chan hyung?" Minho asked getting up and dusting off his jeans.
"Long enough to know that he thinking's he's safe and that your a pretty boy." Chan said chuckling.
"Ah you should have know I was a pretty boy from the moment you met me." Minho looked at me and winked.
I looked down at my shoes.
"Oh y'all can keep going, I just wanted to watch." Chan said raising his eyebrows.
"How's changbin?" I asked.
"Changbin hyung, to your younger. And he's good just need a couple stitches."
"H-How do you know how old I am?" I asked.
"When you were 'training' with us, Seungmin searched you up. But only your birthdate and name came up, no emergency contact, no school nor family was listed."
"Oh uh i guess my ex took his number off." I said looking down again.
"Your ex?" Chan asked stepping closer.
"Yeah since my dad didn't care anymore my ex-boyfriend put his number Incase something happened to me." I said looking up a little.
Seungmin came running in.
"Chan hyung changbin wants to see you." He said.
"Ok everyone else can sleep. Jisung you can room with Minho." Chan said.
Minho nodded for me to follow him.
I walked behind him.
We made it to a grayish door, he opened it for me.
"Oh look at that pretty boy's polite." I said acting to be shocked.
"Shut it. Your beds on the right side and the restroom's the door next to it." I nodded and went to my bed and sat down.
"Oh and also we have sound proof walls." Minho said winking.
I looked down at the ground, feeling my ears go red.
After about a minute or two of silence Minho spoke up.
"Hey aren't you gonna like sleep?" He asked.
"Uh this is kinda awkward but, I need some clothes, you know cause y'all kinda just grabbed me and drove off." I said looking up at him.
He made his way to a black draw and grabbed a big black t-shirt that looked like it would go down to my thighs.
"Uh I don't have an shorts that would fit you." He said throwing the shirt to me.
"It's fine I sleep with and without shorts sometimes." I said making my way to the bathroom.
"Oh well guess that's a plus for me."
He said eyeing my body.
"Ah trust me your never getting any, pretty boy." I said closing the restroom door.

Later that night

"Your worthless" He said as he kicked my ribs.
"No one loves you, your ugly." He said as he punched me.
"That's why your brother left you."  He said again , this time punching over and over again.
I was woken up by a shake and my name.
I opened my eyes and looked over to see who it was.
"Hey, you ok?" He said looking at me, worriedly.
"You're crying and you were shaking in your sleep." He said.
I put my hand to my face to felt my cheeks wet.
"What were you dreaming about?" He asked.
"M-My ex." I said looking him in the eyes.
He sat down next to me.
"What did he do?" He asked again.
I felt tears flood in my eyes.
"H-He would beat me a-and say I'm worthless, he would a-always talk about my brother and mom. H-He abused me. And my stupid ass thought he loved me. I thought this is what love is, because I've never felt it before. I thought it was just a rough patch, I thought I was the problem. I thought he just thought I wasn't enough. When in reality he was just a sick bastard that wanted people to feel pain. But it s-still gets to me because I thought what that was love." I said now crying.
He pulled me on his lap.
"Shh princess, he stupid, he didn't see the beautiful person in front of him." Minho said petting my head.
"He's an asshole don't think about him. A princess like you shouldn't waste tears on a guy like him." He said as I cried in his chest. He kissed my hair then put his head on mine as he rubbed my back.
I started to fall into sleep as he rubbed my back.

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