Chapter 11

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•••Hiccup POV•••

After just a few hours on the ship I already felt seasick. So instead of riding with the others I flew on Toothless for awhile. Astrid would sometimes come up with Stormfly to talk with me.

"You feeling better?" She asked. I nodded.

"The fresh air is so nice. Sitting on a rocking boat for hours isn't." I joked. Astrid chuckled.

"Yeah, boats aren't always that fun." She replied.

"Astrid. Can you tell me what Berk is like?" I asked. Astrid nodded.

"It's not a very exciting place. It's cold, it's boring, and the chief barely comes out of his hut on occasion. There was an incident twenty years ago when the chief's wife and son were killed. The wife was carried away by a dragon during an attack and the baby was killed a week later by Alvin the Treacherous. Before then Berk was a thriving, beautiful village. Even with the dragon attacks three days a week." Astrid explained.

"I see. So then I have a feeling that the chief won't take well to dragons then." I mumbled. Astrid heard me and nodded her head.

"But who knows. Maybe something will come around to help bring life to this village. Maybe a one-legged Viking riding on a Nightfury." Astrid said. I chuckled at the last part.

"I know I asked this before, but do you know anything about your family, or where you came from? Maybe it's a bit sunnier than Berk." Astrid asked. I shook my head.

"The only thing I know is that I was given a necklace when I was a baby. I had grown up with it but never really cared where I got it from until I was older." I pulled out a bronze charm with carvings in it tied to a metal chain. I pulled it off and handed to Astrid.

"Be careful with it." I said. Astrid nodded and ran her finger along the carvings.

"It's beautiful. I wonder if it may have been a betrothal gift to your mother?" Astrid replied. I nodded.

"It's a good guess but I guess I'll never know for sure." I replied. Astrid traces her finger along the carvings one more time.

"I wonder what this carving is of. I can't really make it out. Can I show it to Gobber? Maybe he will know." Astrid asked. I nodded and she flew back down to the boat.

•••3rd Person POV•••

"Gobber. Can you look at something for me." Astrid said as she descended down to the boat.

"Sure thing Las. What is it that ye found?" Gobber asked. Astrid handed over the pendant that Hiccup gave her.

"This is something Hiccup had since he was a baby. We wanted to know what it could be or what the symbols meant." Astrid explained. Gobber looked at it for a bit. He recognized it from somewhere, but where? That's when it clicked. Gobber dropped the pendant but luckily Astrid caught it.

"Gobber what was that for?" She asked annoyed.

"Sorry Las. I was just surprised. But I believe this here on the left is a Viking and the one on the right is a dragon. I don't know what it could mean, but I believe it could be a betrothal gift." Gobber explained. If he was right about this pendant, then that means he could still be alive.

•••Astrid POV•••

I watched as Gobber dropped the Pendant and as he stared at Hiccup. Gobber knew something. I don't know what it is he knows, but I will find out sooner or later. I grabbed the pendant from Gobber.

"Thanks, I'll, uh, give it back to Hiccup then." I said jumping on Stormfly and flying back up to Hiccup.

"Gobber said that it might be a betrothal gift, and that these two things in the middle are a Viking and Dragon. He didn't know what it meant though. He acted really weird when he saw it." I explained as I handed it back. Hiccup put it back on.

"It doesn't matter now. I'm just glad I know a little more about it." Hiccup put it back in his tunic. We flew for the next few hours before the dragons started getting tired. Hiccup decided to stay below deck with Toothless and sleep before we got there.

"Gobber can I talk to you?" I asked. Gobber walked over and sat with me.

"What is it Astrid?" He replied.

"Why were you so surprised when you saw Hiccup's pendant, and you kept staring at him too. Do you know something about him?" I asked. Gobber shuffled around.

"Astrid. Do you remember the story of how the Chief's son died?" He said. I nodded. Everyone knew the story by heart. Even the ones who weren't born yet.

"Well you see. I have a theory. We never found the boy's body. That could mean that Alvin threw him into the ocean. Now that means it could have gone one or two ways. He could have drowned there on the spot, or he could have surfaced and floated away washing up on some foreign island. Do you want to know what Valka and Stoick had named their baby?" Gobber explained.

"Uh, no. Nobody told me." I replied. Gobber gripped my shoulder.

"I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but his name was Hiccup." Gobber said. My eyes probably doubled in size. Could it be a coincidence? Or could it be that.

"But you still can't prove it can you?" I said. Gobber looked away.

"With that pendant, maybe I can." He mumbled.

"What do you mean? Where did that pendant come from?" I asked.

"I thought I recognized the pendant, it was Stoick's betrothal gift to Valka. It was with Hiccup when he was captured."

•••3rd Person POV•••

"Prepare yourselves men! Tomorrow is is a big day! Our fiercest enemy, The Dragon Conquerer will be taken down tomorrow! His death place will be the Isle of Berk!" Ryker cried.

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