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Chapter Five: Blood


After Severus left, I felt myself weaken once more; physically and emotionally. When he was here I felt as if I needed to be strong, though I realize he saw right through that.

Slowly, I stir the contents of my potion. As I stir, many things come to mind. I must work in order to support Harry and myself. But where can I get a job? My O.W.L's and N.E.W.T's are quite impressing, but all the jobs out there don't really appeal to me. Auror? No. Ministry Worker? No. Store Clerk? No. Healer? No. Bartender? No. Food Server? No. Quidditch Facility Employer? No, it will remind me of James too much.

The only thing that attracts me is maybe getting a position at Hogwarts. I doubt Dumbledore needs more staff and besides, it is the beginning of November. The school year had already started.

I bottle the potion and tidy my mess with a flick of my wand, then I go upstairs to wake Harry from his nap. He squirms slightly in my arms, then he fluttered his eyes open at me.

It breaks my heart...he is so pale and his eyes are watery. My poor baby is so sick.

"Harry darling," I say softly. "Please take the medicine, mama needs you to get better. Please Harry."

He was always fussy when it came to taking potions or anything he didn't fancy. I practically wrestled him just to pour it down his throat. Harry gags at the taste so I rock him softly, humming the song I always hummed when James was in the room.


My heart immediately throbs. Tears brim my eyes once more, my lungs feel like they're finished working.

I miss him so much. I will never find love again. Ever.

I look down at Harry who had become drowsy from the potion. I place him on his bedroom floor and he crawls lazily to his toy chest, and takes out some toys James had previously enchanted. Harry entertained himself as I watched the potion kick in.

Right there and then, I decide that I know what I want to do. I cast a spell in Harry's bedroom (to signify me if anything bad happens) and I go into my room and pull out a parchment.

On it I write:

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I hope that I am not being bothersome by writing this letter, but I was simply wondering if you had any open positions for me at Hogwarts as a job. Preferably potions, but I do understand what a silly question this is. After all, the school year has started.

If there is nothing I can do, I'd like to enlist your help in finding a paying job.

Lily Potter

Carefully, I seal it and send it off with Galleon, our family owl. I watch her fly until she's simply a dot. Then I sit there at my window sill, eagerly waiting for my letter back.


It had been a day since I sent Dumbledore the letter, since Severus came to see me, since I gave Harry the Pepperup Potion.

Harry had just woken up from his nap, just in time for dinner. I carry my baby downstairs and into the dining room where I carefully place him in the high chair and place a bowl of onion soup in front of him. I am in no way hungry, not at all. James had been haunting my dreams lately, turning them into a depression session.

I sit across from Harry and I sullenly watch as the spoon magically feeds Harry the soup. It becomes boring, very boring. That is until, the next events happened.

Just as the spoon is feeding my much better and non sickly son, it turns out that my son IS still sickly and NOT better. Harry's face contorts in pain, then he gives a lurch. I jump up in panic, but nothing comes out. Harry lurched again, and blood comes pouring out. I screamed and scooped him in my arms. Harry is crying, I'm close to crying, but I must take care of him.

Oh why do all these things have to happen when James is gone?

I run upstairs with Harry still in my arms. His mouth is sticky with blood and his shirt is all reddish brown. I throw a cloak over him and a cloak over myself and I disapparate to St Mungo's. It's quite a miracle that I didn't splinch us.

As soon as I reach there and call for help, I sign a registration form and a young healer takes us in immediately.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked desperately. The healer lays Harry on a patient's bed and skims her thumb over the blood. Harry is still wailing loudly. The Healer looks like she's in deep thought, then turns her back to me and fumbles with some potion vials.

"How long has your son been sick?" She asked, still clinking around.

"Oh well um, about four days? Yes, four days. At first it seemed like a regular sickness with the vomiting and coughing and sneezing, so I made him the Pepperup Potion. It seemed to have worked up till tonight when he just pooled out blood." My answer was so nervous, I could not keep the shakiness out of my voice.

"This isn't regular Mrs Potter." She sounded irritable. Should I have taken Harry to St Mungo's sooner? How was I supposed to know? "We will need to get blood tests from your son," the Healer paused as Harry screamed in agony. "but first I'm going to give him something to sleep so he feels no pain. This is okay?"

"Yes." I murmured. "Anything that will help him."

The Healer spun around and without any hesitation to consider if Harry would choke, she downed a vial down Harry's throat. My son fell instantly asleep, with some blood still trickling slowly down the corner of his mouth.

"We will be withdrawing blood, you must wait outside." The Healer said with an expecting brow raised. I nod, cast Harry a sad look and go outside into the waiting room to wait.

I cannot help but tap my feet as I sit down. Everything in my life is changing, it's going so considerably scary fast.


Merlin. It's him again.

I look up at him and he is holding several files, clutching them to his chest. Maybe it's just my ears, but he sounds paranoid or nervous. Eh, why would he be nervous? He never gets nervous, especially with me. Right?

And perhaps he noticed how worriedly pale I am, and that my eyes are bloodshot because he frowns. I stand up and am still shorter than him, but I could still smell the mint. Although I am not too close, hopefully...otherwise that would be horribly awkward again...

"Hi Sev." I breathed.



This chapter wasn't as exciting as the last one but I PROMISE the next one will have more Snape, and it will have more...action. *wink wink*

Have a great time reading guys!!!

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