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Chapter Thirty-One: Anything and Everything

||Third Person||

Severus looked from the slightly crumpled and deformed letter from Lupin; to the door where Lily had fled moments before in a state of panic and terror.

Feeling many different suspicions and emotions whir within him all at once, it was hard to think. What happened to Harry? How was he suddenly just throwing up blood...? He had been decently healthy for the past month. No one even knew what the blasted curse was, the child had something that was unknown to even the best Healer's in Britain. And even though it was arduous to admit it, Harry's health was worrying him... and he had never felt that kind of concern toward a child. He hated children. But somehow, he didn't mind the presence of Lily's son. Spending time with the boy who was destined for a complicated life was... somewhat enjoyable; a word he never thought he'd use to describe children who annoyed him to no end. Somehow he found a happy medium.

Everything became terribly clouded in his mind, confused and not sure what to anticipate. He hurried and nearly tore his bag apart, trying to find the emergency potions he had pre-made and smartly carried along in case a threatening scenario would happen. Retrieving three vials of modified Pepperup Potion and tucking it into his pockets, Severus ran out of the room and down the stairs where Tom shouted for him to slow down, but chose to ignore such stupid ignorance, then proceeded to jump into the fluorescent flames of the Floo Network.

Severus found himself at the Ground Floor of the large hospital, and hurried to the front counter where a young lady Healer was quietly scrawling on a piece of important parchment.

"Do you know where Harry Potter had been admitted?" He interrupted quite abruptly and quickly.

She put down her quill and gave him a quizzical stare. "Private ward on the fourth floor. He's not allowed any visitors at the given time."

"But I really need to -"

"Rules are rules sir, I'm very sorry. You can, however, wait in the tearoom on the fifth floor - "

"Do you know the urgency of all this? Who is there with him?!" Severus snapped rudely, beginning to tap his foot impatiently.

The young woman looked astounded at his incredulous attitude, because a person like Severus Snape wasn't one you meet everyday.

The Healer looked down at her desk lazily, reading the names from a list

that lay before her. "His mother-erm- Lily Potter, Professor Dumbledore and - er - Mister Sirius Black and Mister Remus Lupin."


"Ah yes, Dumbledore. I have these medication potions for him," Severus pulled out the few vials he had knowingly taken. "Perhaps I shall deliver them quickly?"

"But sir, it is a private ward - "

"For Merlin's damn sake, Harry's like my son! Let me in otherwise I'll have to insist!" Severus snarled venomously, half-lying in the process; at least he wanted to believe that it was a half-lie. Truth be told, he wasn't definite or absolute about his feelings toward Harry Potter, but he knew that he'd somehow play an important role in his life; whether it was because of whatever is bound to happen between him and the woman he loved, or through just Hogwarts.

The Healer nodded once the mention of family was brought up, with her brown eyes wide with the familiar look of dancing fear whenever someone annoyed Severus - which would make his temper break.

Taking three steps on the many staircases at a time, he made his way to the Fourth Floor fast. His eyes searched for the private ward, and there it was; a room on the farthest left side of the hallway. He ran - top speed - then twisted the knob and admitted himself in.

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