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Chapter Twenty-Four: His Caring Side

||Third Person||

Lily's first week has went well, she was able to acquaint herself with many students. Snape was proud of her, though he hadn't actually told her. He was just enjoying being around her for nearly a whole day, until she leaves to get Harry and eats dinner with Sirius Black.

Everything finally seemed like it was going smooth, and good. All the problems felt fixed now, although not even half have been solved.

On countless occasions throughout the day when the two were alone, he thought about telling her how he felt about her, if it wasn't already obvious. He wouldn't actually use the "l" word (love), because it may scare her off, but Severus felt that Lily should know how deeply he likes her. Deeply.

But somehow, he never got the chance. A student would come into the classroom and interrupt, or a Professor would come in, there would be a staff meeting or she would have to leave.
Perhaps right now he can tell her.

It was Friday evening, and they were in his office. She was marking half the essays as he completes the other half. It was silent, with no unnecessary noise between them. The only sound was of the quill's scratching, indicating how hard at work they were.

"Lily?" Severus put down his quill and looked at her. She finished writing and dropped her quill too, giving him a sincere look.

"Yes?" Lily asked softly. Even the sound of her voice was able to make his heart flutter.

"I-I have something to tell you. I'm not sure if it can wait."

Lily nodded, encouraging him to continue. She wasn't completely sure about what he was going to say, but she knew what she wanted him to say.

He closed his eyes, screwing them tight and drew in a raspy breath of nervousness. This was it. He's finally going to confess his years worth of unrequited love to her, feeling somewhat confident that she'd smile and say she likes him too.

"I...I've been meaning to tell you for a while." he whispered, almost inaudible. Lily leaned in closer to hear him, brushing her hair behind her shoulder.

"It's okay." She said soothingly. "Don't be nervous. It's just me."

That's why I'm nervous. He thought to himself.

"I-I know. I'm sorry. It's just..."

Lily frowned as his words trailed off.

What could be this difficult to say?

His eyes opened and she recognized fear and sadness in them. Her expression softened and she put on a reassuring smile.

"Take your time Severus."

"Okay," he took in another deep breath. "I want to tell you that I l-"

"LILY!" The office door swung open, to his dismay.

You must be fucking kidding me right now. Severus inwardly kicked at himself, instantly hating how long he was taking.

Lily swivelled around in her chair so fast that she nearly toppled onto the floor.

"Professor Dumbledore?" She exclaimed.

Dumbledore had hurried into the classroom, slightly breathless and holding up a letter.

"Your son...your son is having complications once more at Sirius'." said Dumbledore.

Lily jumped out of her chair, instantly forgetting that Snape seemed to have needed to say something very important. All she was focused on right now, was her son.

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