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Chapter Seventeen: Separation Anxiety


I awoke very early the next day, at around 5am. I got dressed and washed my face. I would take a shower, but I'd have to ask Severus what I can use and where the towels were. He was asleep still, and I didn't want to wake him.

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to straighten it out.

I leave the washroom and stop for a moment to look at the sleeping Severus. His face is buried in his pillow as he murmurs softly in his sleep. I swear I hear him mutter my name, but that's probably just all in my head.

I leave the room and explore Hogwarts once again. It's so nice to be back, and I'm happy to work here beginning of December. I know that's only because of Sev, and I'm grateful. He's done so much for me, but he doesn't even know it.

I find myself outside, and something is happening in the Quidditch Fields. I allow myself to explore, so I run down the steps like a little girl and go to the bleachers.

Children in Silver and Green Robes are zooming around on their brooms, passing the Quaffle back and forth. I stand in the bleachers and hug my body from the cold. I'm an idiot, I didn't even bother to wear my travelling cloak to keep my warm. My brain was just excited to see Quidditch once again.

James really loved Quidditch.

A tear strays down my cheek and I wipe it away foolishly. That's when a large gust of wind nearly blows me off my feet, but a pair of hands hold me steady.

Why is it that he comes at every convenient moment?

"You look extremely cold." He said, as if I'm guilty for a crime.

"I am." I straightened up slightly and cleared my throat. A part of me wondered if he'd hug me to keep me warm, but instead he held out a hand where my travelling cloak was. I smiled and took it to wrap it around my body. "Thanks."

He nods and shifts his eyes to the Quidditch Pitch.

"I forgot, my Slytherins have a Quidditch match today." He said, with his eyes following the Seeker who was inches away from the Snitch.

"You're head of Slytherin house?" I asked pointedly, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, who else is a Slytherin Professor?" He snaps, but he smirks so I assume he cannot be all that annoyed.

I grunt under my breath. This is the part in the day where Severus is a complete bastard.

"You'll stay for the match, yes?" He asked more kindly, moving a bit closer so I can start smelling the mint. "Or at least to watch when Slytherin wins?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head downwardly. "Sure, whatever."

I don't know why I agree because I should be with Harry. Harry's health comes first.

Wait. I'm leaving for France. Today.


I can't wait till I'm alone so I can jump for joy. Lily'll be here and stay with me for a while before I take her to St Mungos.

"Oh Sev, I forgot. I can't stay."

My stomach did a somersault as I looked at her with a shocked expression. Did she not want to spend time with me? Or maybe it's just about her son. Yes, that would make more sense.

"May I ask why?" I asked casually, not showing how much I actually do care. But the way her face drops, it makes me worried.

"Harry and I have to go to St Santos."

"Today?" I spluttered. That's so soon! I won't even know how long she'll be gone. What if her son needs extreme treatment and she stays there for a year? Two years? What if she loves France so much she decides to live there? What if she meets a tall handsome french heartthrob and marries him? What if they have five children and she completely forgets about me? What if-

"It's okay." Lily shrugged. Something about her facial expression suggests that it's no big deal and that she doesn't have anything to miss while she's gone. "I'll probably be away for a couple weeks."

That's too long.

I snort quietly and turn away from her to watch my Slytherins fly and go through their routine.

She's. Leaving. Today.

Say something.

"Would you like me to take you there now? To St Mungo's?" I ask, with a bit of a cold tone.

"I'll go now. I can deal with it by myself you know, I don't need you to escort me everywhere-"

"Yes, well I don't think you are capable of being by yourself."

I was still not looking at her, but I can feel the stare of arrogance from her.

"I thought you said that you thought I was being strong." She snapped. "But you really do look at me as some weak muggle, correct?"

Ouch. Stab. I never meant it like that, I just felt numb whenever we weren't together. But when she added the muggle part, it reminded me of when I called her that word in Fifth Year. She had thought I was no different from the other Slytherin death eaters. But I am different.

"I do not think that at all." I replied flatly. "Let's go then."

"You'll miss your match..?"

"So?" I asked impatiently, finally turning to her. She seemed a bit baffled, but I swept past her. I hear her grunt in frustration and her footsteps follow me. I purposely walk faster.

I'm literally making her run after me.


Here's another chapter! When should I update next?

Also, I would like to ask a question. Which is your favourite point of view to read? Snape, Lily, or Third Person? Personally, I enjoy writing in Snape's. I usually like to keep Third Person small.

Thanks! Remember to Comment and Vote!

This chap is dedicated to: @Snapefan <3

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