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Chapter Twenty-One: I'm Supposed to be Grieving


Harry Potter is one fussy baby.

I picked him up from the crib, and he was kicking his legs and swatting his arms around. What do I do? I didn't know one thing about babies, I just wanted to help Lily. Especially after that mini make out session which I must admit-was probably the highlight of my life.

Nothing exciting like that has really happened to me before. There was something about her kiss that was different then before... perhaps it was that she wanted to do it. Perhaps it was because she had delved in with such passion and it made my insides warm.

I smiled to myself, despite the fact I was holding a baby who was trying to kick me. Slowly, and definitely unsurely, I rocked the baby in my arms. He stopped kicking and crying then instantly he fell asleep again.

Was it normal for a child to be sleeping this much?

"I see you're good with babies." Lily was leaning on the doorframe, with her arms crossed.

"I see you're good at being sneaky." I rolled my eyes and put the baby in his crib again.

"You should really stop rolling your eyes so much. One day, they'll fall out of their sockets."

I rolled my eyes at her purposely, and she laughed. But in all seriousness, I turned my attention back to her son.

"He does sleep a lot, isn't that bad?" I asked.

"Healer's said that he needs to replenish all the blood and brain cells he's lost. The only way of doing that is by letting him sleep and eat most of the time." Lily sighed, walking over to me. She stood beside me as we both peered into the crib, looking at her sleeping baby.

"Considering he is James Potter's son," I paused, noticing how her expression drooped when I noticed Potter. "I'm sure he's used to a lot of playtime."

"Yes." She said. "Harry used to have a lot of playtime. He just can't do anything now but sleep, eat and take his potion."

"Oh." Was all I could say. It was truly sad.

There was a moment where I thought she was going to cry, but she stayed as hard as steel. She reminds me of a warrior.

"I should go get dinner from the kitchens." I interrupted her thought. She nodded so I left her to whatever she was thinking of.


After an entertaining dinner in Lily's new sitting room, I agreed to take care of Harry while she takes a shower.

It wasn't hard, since he was mostly asleep. But when he did wake up, I cradled him until he calmed down. Then I used my magic to change his diaper, and then fed him a potion prescribed to him from the French Healers.

"I guess you're not that bad," I murmured softly, still rocking the child in my arms. "But you do cry a lot."

He made a purring noise and sneezed. Grinning, I wiped his nose with my sleeve and pushed his jet black messy hair from his green eyes. Lily's beautiful eyes.

"Oh Harry, I love your mom so much."

After that, he fell asleep so I placed him in the cot and waited in the sitting room for Lily. I sat down sheepishly on her sofa and stared at the different books on her bookshelves. They were all unique, and delicate. I wonder if she's read them all.

Lily came out of her room shortly, wearing a light pink nightdress that drifted all the way to her calves. I caught myself staring at her; the same way I stared at her when she was in my grey shirt.

"Do you still prefer the shirt?" I asked, unwillingly looking away. Lily smiled kindly at me and sat down a couple inches away from me. I wish she'd sit closer.

"I do."

I know I should leave. But I can't. I find myself glued and frozen to the spot, staring at her like she's a goddess. She sure looks like one.

"It's getting late, maybe I should go." I gulped nervously, though I still did not leave my spot.

"Or..." her eyes flicked to one of her bookshelves, then back to me. "maybe you should just stay. For a bit. I mean, I won't be able to sleep. This is a whole new place for me. Perhaps you should read me a book to help me sleep." She shrugged, and avoided my eyes.

I smirked and stood up, picking a random book and sitting back down. Lily scooted closer to me, making it harder for my lungs to pump air. I felt her eyes on me as I flipped to the first page.

And as I began to read softly and soothingly to her, she started to yawn. Not long after, she leaned her head on my chest, wrapped an arm around me and fell asleep.



The next morning I woke up in his arms. I don't remember how, until I saw the book, half open on his lap.

I get off of him awkwardly, not trying to wake him. But at my movement, he squirms and his eyes open.

"Good morning." I yawn, stretching my arms in the air.

"What time is it?" He said dryly, rubbing his eyes. I glance to the clock.

"Seven-thirty AM."

"Oh." He shut the book and placed it on the armrest. Severus stood up and I knew this time he had to leave.

"I'm afraid I must go, I have plenty of potions to mark." He stumbled over one of Harry's toys on the way to the door. He grabbed his winter robes and his shoes and held them in his hand. I stood up and followed him, not wanting him to leave so soon.

He gave me a farewell look. I was starting to really dislike it, because I didn't like it when people left. I hate being alone.

"Don't forget your apprenticeship starts tomorrow. Also, you'll be joining us staff for breakfast in the Great Hall in the morning."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "I will see you later, right?"

"Yes, as a matter of a fact you will. Come by my office, I have a contract and some papers you need to fill in for the apprenticeship itself. It's for the Ministry, and one copy is for Dumbledore and I."

He was talking so business-like, it was weird.

"I'm sorry that I did not mention it to you earlier, it had escaped my mind. A lot has."

He blushes after he said that, and I know he must be thinking of what we did yesterday on the couch. Yes, lots of things escaped my mind too in that time period. Especially the fact that I'm supposed to be grieving my dead husband, not kissing my best friend.

"I guess I will see you later then." I said with sorrow in my tone. He nodded and left.

I know whatever the two of us is doing, needs to stop. But how do I make it stop, if I feel so strongly about it? It's not even Christmas yet and I feel attached to Severus.

Things will go downhill soon.


How was it? Good? Bad? Ew? Tell me in the comments!
Something sorta big is gonna happen in a few chapters, so stay tuned *nervous squeal*

This chapter is dedicated to @Snily5ever❤️

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