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Chapter Seven: Helping Her


Once I return to Hogwarts after my encounter with Lily, I hurry to Dumbledore's office. I knock on the door and he tells me to enter.

"Albus!" I exclaimed, entering hurriedly. I hadn't noticed I was panting.

"Severus? Is everything okay?" Dumbledore asked, looking very concerned. He has every right to be concerned! He promised to help her and he promised to help her son, he isn't fulfilling it if he's not done anything about her son.

"No everything is not bloody okay!" I yelled impatiently, slamming the files on his desk. Dumbledore peered over his half-moon spectacles at me, raising an eyebrow. I continued.

"Her son is bloody sick!! He's been vomiting blood and you're not doing anything about it!"

"Calm down now Severus-"

"Why should I calm down?" I sneered, glaring down at him with such venom. My Lily was heart wrenched. She was going through tough times, I don't know how it feels like because I'm not a parent. Not that I really ever pictured myself in that position, being a father doesn't appeal to me as much. But when I do fantasize of such foolishness, oddly it's always with a certain redhead as the mother. At the very thought, I calm down and sit on one of the velvety chairs in front of his desk.

"She's at St Mungo's now, worrying her poor self to death. You need to help them. You need to move them out of that home."

You need to move them to Hogwarts. Was what I meant. Move her in with me. Was what I needed.

Dumbledore rubbed his temple then shifted the glasses on his crooked nose. Why was he not answering me?

"Albus, she needs a job." I said more softly. "She wants to work at Hogwarts. It could be her new home."

Albus considered it and to my relief, he nodded.

"I think that's only appropriate. I should've known that Lily would only like to work at Hogwarts, it is the only comfortable place. She'll be turning heads everywhere else given the past events."

"Where will you position her?" I may sound too excited, but thank Merlin that Dumbledore already knows that I'm more than infatuated with her. Otherwise he'd think I'm crazy for acting so attached to her. He knows I'll do anything for her. Anything. If she had died that night in Godric's Hollow, who knows how suicidal I'd be?

"I realize she has a deep interest and a great passion for Potions as well as you do..." Albus grinned ever so mischievously. "You wouldn't mind if I made her your apprentice, do you?"

"Not at all." I said simply and happily. I swore Dumbledore's grin got wider.

"Then it's settled Severus. I hope she won't burden you."

Lily? Being a burden, to me?! It sounded so ridiculous I laughed.

"She'd never be a burden to me. It would be the other way around." I murmured the last part quietly, but of course the great wizard heard me. How lucky. Dumbledore chuckled and collected the files I had slammed on his desk earlier.

"Thank you for fetching the files for me. I'm afraid that our student's condition is something you simply cannot ignore."

I was glad he changed the subject from Lily. I could talk about her forever, especially now that she doesn't hate me. Well at least I think she doesn't hate me. I think a lot of things but more than seventy-five percent of the time they don't come true.

As for what Dumbledore said, there is a student in Second Year with a horrible illness. She hadn't been attending classes lately, it was scary. Not that I showed how much I was disturbed by it. Even Lily thinks I'm an emotionless person.

The real problem is that I have too much emotions.

It's been a week since I rushed Harry to St Mungo's. I've done everything the Healer had told me, but nothing had gotten better. Oddly, Dumbledore sent me a letter saying that if Harry was still coughing various amounts of blood by the next week that I shall take him back to the hospital.

I've been brewing the Pepperup Potion over and over again, even adding in more ingredients to kick it up. It hasn't affected my baby one bit. I even started to believe that Severus was right, maybe I accidentally turned the potion to poison.

And ever since I saw Severus that day, I hadn't bothered with re-contacting Dumbledore about a job. Potions was what I desired to do, but there's already an excelled Professor for that. Sev had always been the best at potions.

Today is November 10. It's been ten days since James had died. 10 days since my one and only love left me. His last words to me replayed in my mind...

"...don't leave me worrying."

Now he's the one who left me worrying.

It's cold out, and I'm walking with Harry around the block. We pass the different homes in Godric's Hollow that haven't been invaded by Voldemort, and we watch as the wind sweeps up crunched leaves on the ground carelessly.

I'm bundled up in a warm black robe with my old Gryffindor scarf fastened around my neck. Winter is seeming to approach faster this year, how joyful. Cold weather always annoyed me. Though I do love the snow, that's the only good thing about winter.

In my arms is Harry, bundled up in lots of outfits. He is sick and I do not want to risk him getting any more ill. Though the fresh crisp air shall do him some good, and maybe it'll do me some justice as well.

I round the corner and Harry and I are greeted with a gust of chilly wind. My scarf slaps my face and Harry whines softly. I rock him carefully, then blood gurgles from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh Harry," I murmur tiredly, and I use Episkey on him once more. "I think I need to take you back to St Mungos."

He squirms in my arms uncomfortably. I grasp him tighter and move to walk right up to the front door.

However there is someone there on my doorstep.

Oh no not him again.

I've been trying so hard to let go.

But I can't let go, especially not when he is right here in front of me with warm robes tucking into his body.

He noticed me standing behind him and turned around, giving me a half smile.

I guess it's time for the talk.



Should I continue to update? Shall I proceed to a Chapter 8, or shall I just end it here then delete? I'm still looking for comments!!

Thank y'all for voting!!! It means so much to me <3

If I do go on with Chapter 8, fair warning, it'll be long. "The Talk" will be going on, and more dilemmas. Pray for Baby Harry!

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