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Chapter Eleven: A Surprise


Well this is very embarrassing.

Tell me, what would you think if you saw a grown woman in a grown man's room who looked like she stayed overnight?

I assumed wrong. It wasn't Severus at the door after all. I screwed up.

"Professor McGonagall!" I half-shrieked.

She was already all dressed up in her teacher's robes, and from behind her specs she eyed me quizzically. I can't help the redness that flooded to my cheeks.

This is so awkward.

"Lily Evans," she started. She spoke slowly and in a demanding sort of way. "it is nice to see you."

She didn't look happy to see me at all. Well, it's probably not that she's not happy to see me, she's just not happy to see that I'm in Sev's room.

She must think I slept with him or something.


"This isn't what it looks like." I hurriedly explained, my eyes widening. "Crap. No, it isn't what it looks like at all."

She glares at me for what seems like forever, but then she cleared her throat and the corner of her mouth lifted a little. I let go of the relieved breath I didn't know I was holding onto.

"It's okay Lily, I don't believe you can-er-move on from James Potter very easily."

My heart plummets at the sound of his name. McGonagall must've noticed because she cleared her throat again and peers over my shoulder and into his room.

"Is Severus here? I must talk to him. We have a staff meeting in an hour-"

"I actually have no idea where he is." I cut her off accidentally.

"Very well then."

"You might've heard that Harry is terribly sick Professor." I said quietly.

"Albus has been very worrisome about that Lily. He's at St Mungo's right now, yes?"

"Yes. Maybe Sev is there too-"

My words trail off as Severus appears behind McGonagall. Damn, he looks so tired. He didn't sleep all night, and that's my fault. I should've just went home to Godric's Hollow anyway. I'm taking away from his personal life. I feel so needy.

Severus' dark eyes are droopy but when he sees me he brightens and smiles. I smile back and McGonagall turns around.

"Ah, Severus, there is a staff meeting in an hour. Don't be late. Albus won't attend, because of his responsibilities in St Mungo's."

"Okay." Severus responds dryly. McGonagall bids a goodbye to me and leaves.

He turns to face me and arches an expectant eyebrow. I can't read his emotions, the only thing I know for sure is that he is tired.

"Your turn to sleep." I said, opening the door to his room even wider. He steps in and I close the door slowly, and lean against it.

"I can't sleep." He grumbles and sits on his bed, propped his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. "I have a bloody meeting in an hour, and then I have to finish marking the essays and accompany you to the hospital!"

Oh dear. I am a burden. He just won't admit it.

"You don't need to accompany me Severus. I'm fine. It's been almost two weeks since James' death...I've learned to take care of things myself."

That wasn't entirely true.

"Did you like the breakfast?" He grunts.

I grinned and walked from the door to the bed and sat beside him. I rested a hand on his back and rubbed it in gentle circular motions. Whenever Harry is crying, I would do that and he'd calm down. I guess it worked on older men as well as babies because Severus stiffened, then relaxed.

"The breakfast was good. I've really missed Hogwarts' food." I tried to sound happier then I really was. Pfft, I'm not fooling anyone. He lifts his head off his hands and gives me a solemn look.

"I went to St Mungo's last night. Dumbledore wasn't joking about leaving your son's side. He had to go use the toilet really bad, so as soon as I got there he left. I watched over Harry for a couple minutes."

My heart warmed at his statement.

"Thank you." I feel like I've said those two words about a hundred times in these past few days. "What did the Healers do?"

"He was asleep, so they didn't do anything when I was there. Dumbledore is adding a lot of help to the research." His face fell. That worries me. "They have no idea what your son has Lily. It's nothing they've seen before. But they'll try their best to fix it."

I nodded and let my head lean on his shoulder as my left arm wrapped around his upper back and curl it around his shoulder. He'd always be that friend I could rely on. I know that now.

I could've went to Sirius or Remus or anyone, but I chose Severus. I wonder if he would've chosen me too.

We stay silent for those couple minutes. It was a nice silent.

"No one stays this strong." He finally said, breaking the nice silence. "You're the only one I know who has."

"I'm practically dead on the inside." I over exaggerate. I meant for it to be amusing, but I could tell he isn't amused at all. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

We were so close. I could see his features so clearly.

"I don't want to hear you say that." He said, a bit dazed. His eyes were searching mine intently. "We're both very much alive."

And then his hand touched my cheek, stroked it gently, and before I could do anything he pressed his lips against mine.

Severus was kissing me.




okay so don't get upset because for a couple days I won't update. All you're left with is a cliffhanger kiss.

Bahaha. Hope you enjoyed!<3

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