돌: South sector

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Once they entered, the room was full of people they both didn't know. Immediately, Haechan looked at the green hair with a questioning look. The other just shook his head helpless, not knowing what was going on either.

"Ah, my dear son..." A male, with dark hair and seagreen eyes looked at the brunette. With almost kind eyes. The smile was all teeth and no emotion. Cold and cunning. Haechan swallowed as the male put his arm around him causally. Yet, the older just try to kept his emotions neutral. No facial expression and no sign of awkwardness at all. It wasn't really cutting it for Chenle. However, he learnt the hard way. To be professional and not let his emotions get in his way.

'Chenle...help...' Haechan thought in his mind as he showed the green hair a helpless expression. The younger shook his head, giving the other a look that says 'It's okay. It'll be over soon.' After the King released his son, The prince immediately went back to his bulter. Holding his arm tightly. "Your highness... Please you wouldn't want to do this... You'll get in trouble..." Chenle said softly, trying to pull his hand free. "Emm." Haechan sounded as soft as he could as he signed to the green hair.

I don't like these bitches. Chenle covered his mouth not wanting to let out his gasp. "I know my dear prince but-" "Now there's no need to be rude. Is there?" One of the princes stood up, looking at the both of them. He was about 1.78m in height and had an actual hearing aid on his left ear. The one that could be taken off and put back on. He radiated an aura of great superiority. Even greater than Haechan. His hair was jet black and his eyes shown a deep dark midnight blue colour.

"Shall we start the meeting?" He showed a forced smile as he sat back down as proper as he could. The person beside him seemed to be unphrased. He had orangy brown hair. The brunette closed his eyes in order not to roll them as he sat down, although relunctant, he obliged. Putting on a fake smile. Chenle felt the tension as he sat down. Therefore he cleared his throat, speaking in the most calm tone as he could. Although he reality. He was shaking so much, somebody might have thought he saw heaven and back.

"Would all of you noble men please introduce yourselves?" "Alright. Then, I'll start first." The raven hair stood up again. "I'm Kim Doyoung and this is my bulter and assistant, Kim Jungwoo." As the taller male heard his name, he stood up bowing as he did. "Please to meet all of you." He showed an adorable smile. It was then the older clicked his tongue and looked away. Anyone could tell he's embarrassed. Chemical romance? Haechan signed, a smirk on his face.

Doyoung cleared his throat as a blush threaten to creep to his face. "I-it's nothing like that. Move on."
The other prince looked around the same age as Haechan. He had black hair and wore a suit type outfit. He seemed to be eyeing the brunette up and down before standing up. "Good day everyone, my name is Lee Minhyung. But all of you can call me Mark." He smiled as he bowed down. "Please to meet all of you." After all that, Haechan just nodded, looking uninterested.  And that seemed to make the other more interested. A dark brown hair male looked at the black hair, slightly nervous like he was waiting for instructions.

"Oh and this is Jeno. My assistant." The dark brown hair then quickly stood up,  bowing nervous. Before sitting down again. Chenle covered his mouth, holding back a laughter. Someone like him already. Haechan signed, eyeing the green hair as he answer with a quick and almost calm tone. "No no. I was just trying to make you laugh, my prince." The older gave the other a smile like 'oh, really?' Before turning back to the crowd. Anyways, what are you guys here for? Haechan signed to the crowd, hoping Mark actually understand. "We were talking about a village in the South sector." Doyoung states, picking up his coffee cup and taking a sip.

"And how we were planning to get rid of it."

Now Haechan was in full attention. He remembered that village having a lot of precious lives and happy memories. When he lived near the lake as a child.  And how he loved to admire the people there by the corner of the lake. What the brunette remembered the most was a child. Everyone else in the village had either black or brown hair. Yet... That boy had hair as soft and pink as cotton candy. His eyes had a beautiful gleam to it.

"Maybe if I be your friend, you'll talk to me."

Haechan stood up, slamming his hands against the table. Immediately, alarming everyone. Jeno and Jungwoo in pure shock. Smiling in confusion as they did. Doyoung covered his left ear, as he stared at the younger. Mark had a slower reaction before showing a sign of shock. Chenle stared at his prince. A worried expression cross his face. As for the King, a crossed expression was written on his face.

Haechan almost had the urge to shout until the green hair spoke. "Are you alright my dear prince? Is something wrong?" Chenle asked hurriedly, keeping his eyes on the brunette. You can't get rid of it. The older signed before sitting back down. "And why is that?" This time, the King spoke up. Anger filled his voice as his sea green eyes.

Yet, Haechan didn't feel scared at that moment. His both eyes glowed orange. As he stared at his father. Because I said so! His hand movements were fast and angry too, almost wanting to hit the other. However, Chenle stopped him but the King didn't want to lose his place.

He raised his hands approaching the brunette almost landing a slap on him. However, Haechan was saved by a pair of guards. And a male in between them.

Pink hair. Brown eyes.

Hey guys! Sorry about the late update but the chapter is finally here!! I hope you still enjoyed it. Thank you for reading this chapter!

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