십일: West

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It seemed like a long time as they ran towards the west, thick forest covering the scene. Branches, shrubs and various flora surround them as they tried their best not to destroy any of them. Or get caught in any of them. Various fauna was found too, however, most of them were dead. Due to the king's cruel nature, he would request the hunters to get rid of every living creature other than humans at the nearby forest. So if no animals could be found, that meant that they were still close to the castle. 

'I'm tired...' Haechan thought as he struggled to catch his breath. It felt like forever ever since their escape. Trying to run while hiding has been a journey as a few guards were spotted trying to find them. Per the king's order. Some guards were nice enough to let Haechan escape due to his kindness and care to them, compared to his majesty. However, the others were scared of him. They were also under Mark's order. Therefore, they had to hide in shrubs and bushes sealed with magic, to be safe. They made through quite a lot of the forest as owls could be heard. Which meant they were far enough from the king's hold. 

It also meant the day has already turned to night.

Chenle took a deep breath out as he looked at his prince. He looked as exhausted as the other. Then he slowly looked at the male beside him. Despite still looking handsome (much to Chenle's dismay), his sweaty bangs stuck to his forehead and his clothes were all dirty. The green hair decided to take his position and speak up. "Guys." Everyone looked at him, some with fatigue facial expressions, others frustrated. "I think...we're far enough already... we should take a rest..." The brunette nodded in agreement as he almost fell over but was quickly saved by the pink hair. "Be careful..." Jaemin whispered, making sure only the other had heard him. Haechan got up, quickly nodding as he walked forward, embarrassed. 

"Alright then let's make a camp," Jeno suggested as he looked around for equipment. "But we were in a rush, I doubt we had anything to make a decent shelter," Taeil said realistically, Jisung nodding along. Haechan resisted to let out a sigh as he started searching. It was then he remembered. He had a friend in the west forest. People call him the wizard of the west. However, Haechan just calls him by his name. Despite being called a wizard, Haechan doesn't find him scary one bit. Instead, he was kind to the brunette when he had no one. 

The brunette tapped Chenle's shoulder as he signed, "I know a place." "Alright lead the way," Chenle said as he told the rest who followed. The owls turned their head around as their eyes shine in the dark, closely watching them, hooting as they did. In a very specific pattern.  Haechan heard it as he started clapping in the same pattern. One two, one two, three. Howling could be heard as the green hair started to get scared, dropping formalities as he shook. "W-what are you doing  Donghyuck hyung?" "Yah! what are you doing? We don't have time for this-" Taeil question got cut off Jisung who exclaimed, "Look!" Wolves started appearing as they surround them, red, yellow and blue eyes glowing in the dark. One with brown patches, one grey patches and the other pure white.  

"W-what did you do, Prince Donghyuk?" Jaemin repeated as he got closer to the shorter, looking as he did. Haechan just signalled, putting two fingers near his eyes to the wolves.  Curious, everyone quiet as they watched what the other did. Three wolves started sniffing them. Chenle flinched, holding back a squeak though he knew this would happen, he was still scared. Jeno was on guard, looking straight into those eyes. Only to backfire as the wolf let out a snarl, making the brown hair stand back. 

The wolves started growling due to the presence of the other but as Haechan got closer to them, they stop. He shows his heterochromatic eyes to them, orange glowing like a signal that it's okay. The wolf with the brown coat blinked as he led them, pushing through the snow. They passed a huge lake which had various herbs growing along it, but none of them heard of them before. That was until Jaemin said under his breath, "Pepper's prick." The grey wolf that was guarding him looked at him, his yellow eyes glowing. This time not with anger but amusement. "What?" Jisung questioned back as he took a look at the prickly orange flowers. "Those?" Jaemin nodded as he said, "Highly dangerous. For poisoning." He then pointed at the colour bunch of leaves, "Rainbow speckles. A good aid for colour blindness and pink eye." The green hair stared at the other with wide eyes, "How did you-?" A knock could be heard on the door as the wolves shaped shifted into humans. Tall and handsome.  "What the-!" The pink hair exclaimed as Jisung let out a shout, only to be shushed by the black hair. "Don't!"

"What's all the noise? Did you guys kidnap people again because I swear-" The wizard stopped talking as he saw who was at the door. "No, master. Donghyuck is here." The brown wolf said, his voice deep and serious. The wizard's footsteps could be heard as he continued, "He's still alive?" "You're the one who kept me alive you idiot." The brunette signed, rolling his eyes. The wizard let out a laugh as he appeared. Eyes glowing white under his black cape as everyone, except Haechan, started shaking in fear. 'Is he going to kill us?' 

"Stop scaring them." The brunette signed, frustrated as he let out a sigh. The other laughed, "Alright alright." He lit up the place with a  quick snap of his fingers as he put the hood of the coat down, revealing his blondish orange hair, his eyes turning a brown colour.  Giving a smile, "Hi, nice to meet of you. I'm guessing you guys are his friends." "Well, sort of..." "Quite an impressive collection, Donghyuck! I didn't know you have that ability." The person smiled as he told them to come in. 

"Sorry about the lights just now. Was sleeping." The blonde-orange hair said. "It is okay. We just wanted a place to stay." Taeil answered, a little suspicious. "Oh. How rude of me." The wizard state, somehow sensing the suspicion in the black hair's voice as he turned around.

"I am the wizard of the West. I go by many names but

you can call me Renjun."

Hey guys! I'm back with a new chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you for reading and I'll update again soon!
Yours truly🤗💖💗,

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