나섯: Anger and Eager

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"You don't want to do this, do you?" Jaemin spoke up. Catching the attention of all four people in the room. "What?" The black haired prince questioned. Although it sounded more like a statement than anything. "You don't want to keep me locked up, do you?" The pink hair said, repeating his question in more straighten tone. "What are you saying-" "You're just doing your job aren't you?" Doyoung stared at the male for a good ten seconds. Those eyes were filled with confusion and pure anger. "Who are you to question me?"

Although Doyoung gave a tone that supposedly was scary. Jaemin didn't give up. He was eager to find out more. "Yes. You're right. I may be a nobody but I think you deserve better than to follow the King's orders." The younger saw the black hair's eye soften a little, his feelings wavering. However it quickly sharpen again. "So what? You sure talk a lot for a nobody." The prince turned his back, black cape flowing as he did. "Maybe someday, you'll get punished for that."

Jungwoo gave an apologetic look to all of them before following his prince up the stairs. Jaemin wanted to throw his hands up in protest but then he remembered they were chained and gave out a sigh. "I did tell you..." Taeil said softly before touching the chains that held Jaemin and they immediately slide right off. "Wo-" The younger was then cut off with the oldest stern voice. "Don't you dare. Tell anyone I can do that." The pink hair just nodded as he moved his limbs. "If you could do that... Then why don't you get out?" Jaemin asked innocently as the stared at the shorter. "Because. He knows if he escapes. Mark Lee is going to find another way to shove him back here." Jisung said, letting out a sign of digust. "That guy is a real sadist."

"And even so, if we escape, we have no where to go." Taeil said realistically and he played with the chains. "You can live in my village." Jaemin said quickly before remembering they were going to get rid of it. Sadness filled his heart as he stared at the ground. "They... Plan to get rid of it, don't they?" Jisung asked carefully as he looked for Jaemin's expression. The other just nodded, tears coming out of his eyes. The oldest gave him pats on the back as he said. "Don't worry. If one day we do get out of here." Golden eyes glowed at Jaemin as he continued. "I will get your village back." Jaemin lifted his head up to face the both of them. Who reassured him with a nod.


"I want. To see him." Haechan repeated again today, more serious than ever now. Because of Jaemin, Haechan had sleepless nights and longer days. The time seem to drag longer as his head filled thoughts of the bubble gum hair boy. "Again your highness." Chenle finally let out a sigh as he poured the 10th cup of tea for his prince. "What's the use of seeing him anyways. You know you can't help him right hyung?" "I know. However, I just can't get him off my mind..." The brunette said, sipping his tea. "I want to..." Sorrowed filled his voice as the sky started turning dark. That caused the green hair to feel sad too. Rain started falling from the sky as orange eyes met Chenle's.

It was at this moment, Chenle gave up. "Alright hyung...I'll bring you to the cells but under one condition." With that the brunette perked up like a stray cat that heard a mouse. "Do not get too close to Jaemin." Haechan nodded, eager to see the pink hair boy as they head down to the basement.

As they head down, Haechan put on his 'hearing aids' as he heard a conversation. "They...plan to get rid of it, don't they?" A careful voice was heard along with sobs that the brunette could guess it was from Jaemin. And that made his heart break. "Don't worry. If one day we do get out of here." A matured voice was heard as he continued. "I will get your village back." It was then, Chenle moved something on accident creating sound. All let out a gasp except Haechan as he glared at the green hair. The other giving an apologetic look.

"Who's there?" Jaemin's voice came from the cell as Haechan just walked down, pulling the younger along. "Oh another one of you. As if the other wasn't-" Jisung's words were cut off by Jaemin's exclaim. "It's you!" A smile appeared on both of their faces as they felt their heart fill with euphoria. Haechan gave a wave as he kept his eyes on the pink hair who stared back.

Are you okay? what's going on? The brunette signed as the other gave a confused look. 'Oh right.' Haechan slapped himself mentally. He pointed to the pink hair as he put a thumbs up. "Am I good?" The other nodded thinking he understood. "Am I good at what?" Innocent brown eyes look at the prince as he tilted his head. Haechan resisted the urge to faceplam because the boy was so cute.

"He meant. Are you okay? What's going on?" Chenle interpreted as he look at the three. "Ohh... Um yeah I'm fine." Jaemin answered politely although still a little sadden. "Not really." The black hair replied, golden eyes staring at the brunette. "Anyways. Why do you care?" Haechan sighed. Aggression from the older was expected. After all, Mark Lee had did a number on him that made him think all royals are terrible. By a number he meant worse than just sending him to prision. Orange eyes glowed as he continued to sign while the green hair started interpreting again.

"Because I want to save the village. All of it."

Hey guys!! Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry for the irregular updates as I've not been able to write as often anymore. :(( However, I will still write when I can. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Lots of love❤💕,

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