여덟: For Justice

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A shout was then heard from the conferencing room as Mark quickly turned back smirking in the process. "Duty calls." Doyoung held back a growl as he enters with younger. Jungwoo making slight eye contact with Jeno. Who looks away in response. That made the orange hair think of a plan to convince the other.

'If I can't convince my lord, I'll shoot down the enemy's right-hand man first.' Jungwoo thought, looking at Jeno. This time, the brown hair flinched, while the red-eye begins to talk. "You called my king?" The king held his head up, casting his eyes down to the four below him as he spoke. "Indeed. I want to stop the peasants you mentioned. Those fools." His sea-green eyes show no hesitation as he spoke. Not even regret calling his son a peasant. "Do you have a plan?"

Mark bowed down formally, "Yes, my king," He started explaining his plans of stopping them. He wants to transfer Taeil and Jaemin into separate cells. While Jisung to be banished into the Forbidden Forest. As he spoke, Jungwoo got more fidgety wanting to carry out his plan. At that, he kept staring at Jeno. 'Is he uncomfortable yet?' The orange hair thought as horrible as that sounds, he needed the other's attention. His lips twitched into a smile as he saw the other's fingers twiddling more. And finally, he whispered. "May I ask why are you staring at me and not the king?"

With that, Jungwoo moved a little closer. "You're hearing what he wants to do right? Do you even agree with it?" The taller said as softly as possible. "I...to be honest...No...but there's nothing we can do-" "No. There is." Jungwoo whispered with a rushed tone, as he watched Mark and the king's every movement. "You have to get to the quarters where the prince is. Talk to him and tell him about this." The orange hair said quickly but clearly, making the other nod. A slam could be heard as the King laid his eyes on both of them. "What are you low lives talking about?!" King Lee shouted, the castle shaking as he did.

Jungwoo gave Jeno a pair of determined eyes as he looked back at the King. "Sorry my King, it's just that Jeno needs the bathroom and he's not sure if he could leave when you're talk-" "Very well. Go on." The King interrupted as he gestured, not sparing a look at them. Jeno nodded as he bowed down, "Yes, my king." With one more glance at the orange hair, the younger left, finding for the quarters. Doyoung shot a look at Jungwoo while the other just smiled innocently, making the raven shake his head in disapproval.

The situation in the cells hasn't been better, Taeil was still worried as he practised the tiniest magic he has left. Trying his very best to wake the magic he left. "C'mon c'mon..." Taeil whispered under his breath as the ball of gold tries to form in his hand. With his hands holding the lock tightly, he pushes his last ounce of energy. However, his efforts were fruitless as the sparks of gold disappear into thin air. The black hair let out a sigh, leaning back against the cell wall, siding down. "It's no use... He took everything." "It's okay...you've already been trying for hours. Maybe it'll come back soon. Take a break yeah?" Jisung said, worried about his Hyung. The oldest let out a sigh, defeated. "I hate feeling useless." Jaemin sat beside Taeil, speaking as he did. "You're not useless Hyung, just a little powerless now. But don't worry! I'm sure we'll figure it out."

The black hair took a look outside as he let out another sigh.

"I hope you're right, kid."

Jeno was running, his breathing getting rougher as he looked through all the rooms in the quarters. Finding for the prince. In order not to be suspicious, he wanted to get there as soon as possible. 'Where is he?' He thought as he pushed the third last door, only to fall on someone. "Ah!" A thud was heard as the person fell to the ground with him. He looked up to see the person he was looking for, the prince of Prosepher, Haechan. He blinked several times before holding back laughter. 'What's so funny-?' Jeno's thought was cut off with the person below him groaning. "Can you get off me please..." A blush quickly formed on the brown's hair face as he got off. "I-I'm so sorry! I-" Chenle cleared his voice, a blushing forming as he tried to be angry. "Yeah I-I mean! W-w-what are you d-doing in my prince's quarters?!" "I well...I have something important to tell all of you." The brunette tilted his head, gesturing a sign for the other to go on. "My lord, Mark knows about your plans. He told the king and they are planning to stop all of you."

Haechan's eyes widen for a split second before turning into a dark expression. He knew it was going to happen eventually. He just didn't know why it happened so fast. After all, the only person who knew about this so far. Was Kim Doyoung. "Wait. How did he find out?" Chenle asked, as shocked as the older was. "He heard it from outside, with Taeil's power." 'F*ck.' Haechan mentally swore as he tapped his fingers on the wooden table, thinking of a plan to salvage theirs. The green hair sensed his prince's frustration, trying to think as well. It was then, the brunette clicked his fingers, tapping on Chenle's arm. "Yes, Prince Haechan?" Why should we trust him? Isn't he working for Mark Lee? "I-!" The green hair held back his words. Haechan was right. Why should we trust him? They both looked at the brown hair in suspicion.

Haechan eyes turned as he did. And that made Jeno gulped. Taking a deep breath, he tried to explain. "Alright! I know! I look suspicious and all but I have no bad intentions at all and I'm not the only one who wants to do this. It's for justice and I know you want to seek justice to so please trust me! I know what my lord has done and I've tried to stop him but I can't! So please..."

"Help me. I can't bear to lose someone I love again."

Hey guys! I'm back at it with another chapter. I know that this is quite a boring bridge chapter but I hope you still enjoy it! The next chapter would be a little more exciting so stay tuned! Thank you for reading!

Lots of love☺💞💕,

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