뎃: Interrogate

753 36 10

"I have to see him." Haechan said softly while he laid on the bed after the younger and he reached his room. "What?" Haechan repeated, this time sitting up. "I have to see him." The green haired blinked several times before answering his prince. "Y-you mean. N-now? H-he well..." Chenle looked away towards the pale moonlight as he gave it a little thought. "If you're thinking about Jaemin. I think it's best you don't."

Now that got the brunette's full attention. "And why's that?" The taller fiddled with his conch shell and the line of black beads. "Isn't it kind painful?" He then turned to face the other. Orange eyes looking directly into his. "I mean to think that the king might do anything to get rid of Jaemin after. Especially if Jaemin don't stop rebelling. Also..." Chenle divert his eyes. "If you get too attached hyung, I'm not sure if he even feels the same way. If he want to see you or not that is."

Haechan open his mouth, wanting to say something. But kept it shut as he saw Chenle approaching towards him. "I think it's getting late my prince. Let's have you tucked in, shall we?" Haechan just silently slipped under the covers. Not a word not a sentence. His mind was full of thoughts of the pink hair male. His beautiful bright chocolate eyes. His sweet loving smile and the warmth that fills his heart.


"You know with someone as pretty as you." Someone said with a symphatatic tone as he was busy chaining Jaemin. "You really shouldn't be down here..." His eyes shone a bright colour a shade of amber. "Why would you say that?" The taller looked at the pink hair sadly. "The both of you are too precious." "Bo-" Jaemin turned around to see another man. He had black hair and golden eyes. He let out a gasp as that guy stared at him coldly, his eyes lifeless.

"You're exaggerating, Jisung." The shortest spoke as he walked out from the shadows. He looked too damn beautiful to be in a place like this. "Woah..." Jaemin said out loud as he stared at the other. "...what?" Both Jisung and the black hair said as they looked at the pink hair. "O-oh nothing it's just that...you look so much like a prince... And Jisung seemed unwilling to do this job...so..." The taller looked up to face the black hair. Concern written in his brown eyes.

Jisung let out a sigh as he shook his head and the golden boy just showed a sad expression. "Please do tell me. I want to help... Besides, I can't get out any sooner." The pink hair said as he sat down. "You can't. Besides" Jaemin felt chills as the black hair spoke after Jisung. "You have no rights too." With that, something in Jaemin snapped as he grabbed the shorter but the collar. "Yes I can and I will."

What was displayed on the others face was a mild sign of shock then it was replaced with anger. Snatching back his shirt, the golden boy spoke. "And how are you ever going to do that, big shot?" "In any and every way possible." The orange hair and black hair shared looks. And that was when Jisung nodded while the other just pursed his lips. "Yes. You were right about me being prince but that was long gone." The latter sat beside Jaemin, his knees together and palms sweaty. Then he let out a sigh.

"They never took me seriously. Doyoung, the noble man of the east sector. He took care of the sick and the suffering. He was a kind hearted man. That was until..." The older buried his head into his knees as he took deep breaths. It was then Jisung took over. "Until a guy name Lee Minhyung messed them all up." His amber eyes glowed angrily as he let out a growl. The pink hair tilted his head, showing his confusion. "You know the guy with red eyes, black hair and an attitude." Jaemin recalled the guy.

"How dare us you say?" A nasty look and a smirk displayed. And orange eyes with a dark blue coat. And a skip of his heartbeat.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jisung asked, seeing the change in the older's face and all Jaemin could do was nod. "W-who were you guys suppose to be?" "I'm Park Jisung, former protector of Atlantia. And the prince like figure, he's Moon Taeil, also known as the moon child." The younger said, with no such emotions. Jaemin suddenly stood up, alarmed. "Wait Atlantia? Isn't that the lost kingdom? And moon child... I thought that was an urban legend!"

Taeil stood up the chains jingling as he did. "Well that proves that you're young and I'm not." Jisung closed his eyes as loosen the chains on the golden eyed a little, meeting them after. "You're not that old, hyung." Jaemin wanted to know so much more as he asked one last question. "Wait... If you were the protector... Who was the prince?" The black hair was about to open his mouth, until he saw deep blue eyes staring at them. Another orange brown hair male came in view.

"I see that all of you are getting acquainted with each other." A smile was drawn across his face, not one bit polite. "That's great. That gives me a reason to request that you stay longer." The other just smiled along with the other nervously but Jaemin knew something was up with the both of them. After the story he was told. The pink hair took a deep breath and muster all his courage as he stood up.

"You don't want to do this, do you?" At that moment, all eyes were on him. Gold, amber and blue.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry for the late updates and I am really grateful that all of you still continue to read my book. Thank all of you so much!!
Love from the heart,

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