Past unlock: Wizard of the West

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'So cold...' The little boy thought as he tried to shake this cold winter off but with a thin coat and no one to call for help. The little boy was doomed to his death. 'Cold...' Haechan said once more before his vision started blurring. Maybe his father was right. The outside world is cruel and the kingdom was the safest place to be. However, the kingdom felt so cold. With no one around to play with him. Let alone talk to him. Although his father said, "A new Butler is coming." The brown hair waited. and waited. and waited. But the Butler never came. Haechan felt too alone and he couldn't take it anymore. He timidly asked his father if he could go out, only to be met with a cold glare. And the icy cold of the winter. The King threw him out for even asking. He didn't care at all. As Haechan would quote him shouting, "Come back when you realise your mistake!" The brown hair shivered as he felt his toes freeze, his vision finally giving out as he hit the cold snow. The last he heard was howling and the hooting of the owls. 

The little child blinked, his vision still a little blurry as he felt the warmth enveloped, his limbs moving slowly. His toes were no longer frozen.  Soft wool touched his skin as he moved more, his vision finally clearing up. Oak wooden planks lined the entire house as he laid on a cushioned bed, soft and woven. The blanket had intricate designs of three wolves and a few owls on them. The background dyed a strong black colour in contrast with the light brown, grey and white wolves and owls. A crackling fireplace could be heard as someone was stirring something on it. 

At first glance, Haechan thought it was soup but the person then added some odd-looking orange flower and a drop of a white substance. The mixture bubbling as he did.  The person looked around the age of an adult. His hair was a shade of blondish orange. The person turned around, revealing his robes of white and black. "That should do it." The person said softly, bring a bowl of it towards Haechan. "Ah, you're awake."  Glowing white eyes met Haechan's brown ones. "That's good. Now drink this."  The young child gave the adult a scrunched face as he stared, out of fear and curiosity. The blonde-orange hair sighed as he said, "If you don't want to die from hypothermia, you better listen to me."  The child shook his head as he pouted. It was as if he decided death as better than poison. 

The adult then took a spoonful of the substance, wiggling it towards the child. "Here comes the aeroplane..." The brown hair hesitated for a  second before giving in and took a bite. The substance tastes pretty good. The strong taste of wild mushroom and a twist of citrus hit the tip of his tongue as an after taste.  Haechan hummed silently as he cuddled back in the blanket. 

"Good boy. I think I'll take care of you for now." 


"Injunn Hyung!"  The child signed as he ran around with his stuffed bunny. The wood stack tipping over as he did. "Be careful Donghyuck! It might catch on fire!"  Renjun warned as he blocked the fire with a protective spell. The younger giggled as he asked out of curiosity, "But hyung, how old are you?" "What suddenly?" The blonde-orange hair laughed, a little taken back. "Well...Let's just said I have seen a lot more days then you." The child tilted his head, not being able to understand. " a few thousand more."  The child blinked once as he stared at the other, mouth wide opened.  Renjun let out a chuckle, "You did ask, child."  Haechan nodded as he hugged the bunny tightly, thinking. 

"Don't think too hard, you might hurt yourself."  The older said, in turn, he received a  hit on his shoulder by a flying stuff bunny. Renjun burst out in laugher as he caught the bunny. "You have magic too huh?"  He then gave the bunny back to the little one who gave a triumph expression as he has won. "Yes yes. You did great. When we grow old, we should train more."


Haechan managed to escape again, at the age of 9. He was 5 years older compared to the first time he was thrown to the forest, at the age of 4. The only reason why he went back was that Renjun asked him to as a good child. He needed to return to his home or his father did worse. With that understanding, Haechan was sent back in the middle of the seventh nigh he stayed there. But now he's back to learn more from the blonde-orange hair. Chenle had some business or so the king said. The 9-year-old didn't question it as he knew what will happen if he did. Instead, he escaped. 

He followed the wolves as was told by Renjun that day. The owls and the wolves being his code. As he entered the hut again, only to be met with white eyes. "Ah. Donghyuck! Came to learn more?" 

The child smiled as he nodded, his eyes turning heterochromatic. "Well if that's the case, learn well because I won't teach you twice. Kiddo."

Haechan appreciated every moment with the older as he felt an escape from reality for a moment. But soon he had to go back, he knew he couldn't leave Chenle alone. Therefore, the child promised to visit when he can. It's been a long wait but he finally did.

"I know a place." 

Hey guys! Here's a little chapter of how Haechan knew Renjun! Hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for reading this chapter!
Lots of love,

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