스물 둘: Solution

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"Prince Haechan." The village chief spoke, a heavy undertone of dread coated his voice. The woman gasped as she looks at the brunette, then back at her son again. "What's the meaning of this?" Donghyuck bowed in respect as he thought of a way to tell them. 'I can't suddenly speak... what if they found me suspicious? What if they think I was an illusion? What if-' The shorter's thoughts were quickly cut off by Jaemin's voice. "He's here to help us." The couple looked at each other, exchanging looks. 

Silence coated the air as all eyes were on the prince. And that made Haechan swallow. 'What should I do? I need to explain myself.' It was then, the chief spoke up, shock in his voice. "Really? I-I mean I'm not judging your ability Prince Haechan is just that you're well aware that your father wants this place to himself, right?" Donghyuck nodded, looking around to find something to write on. He turned to Jaemin who caught on the sign and grabbed a wooden book. Flipping to an empty page as he took a pencil, giving it to Haechan.

The brunette mouthed a 'thank you' as he wrote on the page "Despite that, I want to stop him. I think that his ways are extremely rude. Especially since these are people we are talking about. He can't just take your homes away just because he has the power to. Therefore, I want to aid this village and protect it from being taken away."  

After a few seconds of reading, the chief gave him a sad look, shaking his head. "It's no use Prince Haechan. I'm sure you know your father's ways by now. If he wants something, he would do anything to achieve it." The elder gave out a sigh as he confessed. "I gave in to King Lee's demands." Jaemin's eyes widen as he looked at his father. It was the first time he heard of it. All this time, he had thought his father was fighting for it.

Yet, he just gave in.

"Why?!" Jaemin asked, his voice raised. He felt betrayed. "I know he'll do worse if I don't give in. He'll attack our people and-" "But father, there's nothing left if you don't fight for it!" The pink shouted, unaware of his tone. His heart was breaking as he felt needles poking at it. "Jaemin, I know you're mad but I could still safe the people even if he takes the place-" "Then where would they live father? They have been here their entire life. This is the place where memories were formed, friendships were made... even..." 

"Mummy I swear I saw it! There was a person in the water!" The mother just shook her head in disapproval. "I think you're seeing things, sweetie."  The mother let go of her child, carrying the laundry basket. "Now stay here okay? Mummy has to wash these clothes." The pink hair gave a pout as he nodded sitting on the bench. He looked across the water, only to find the person also staring at him.  

After checking that his mother wasn't looking, he ran to the river, bending down. The other flinched, trying to swim away before he said, "Wait please don't go!"  Orange eyes met brown ones. The pink hair smiled as he extended his hand, "Do you need help?"  The shorter shook his head as he tried to swim off again. "No, please stay. I wanna be your friend!"  Haechan shook his head as he put a cross sign on his mouth, shaking his head.  

Sadness crossed the pink's hair expression as he tried guessing. "You don't wanna speak to me..?" Haechan swallowed as he kept his eyes on the other while Jaemin gave a smile. "It's okay!

Maybe if I be your friend, you'll talk to me."

"even meeting someone you love..." Jaemin' voice faltered as he felt the brunette rubbing his back. Their eyes meeting. Haechan offered a smile as he wrote on the book, "And that's why I am here to help safe it. So don't worry." Jaemin smiled back at the reassurance. While the chief spoke up. "So what do you suggest we do, Prince Haechan?" His eyes turned brighter as he wrote

"I say we defend and fight back."


"What are we going to do, Renjun?" Jisung said, worried as the other gulped down his water. "I-I have to make another portal-" "But you're exhausted,"  Taeil said as he grabbed the wizard's hand, trying to heal him. Golden eyes met white ones. "B-but they might be in trouble...already..." The shorter shook his head, pulling the wizard back down. "I'm not one to be concerned but you're overworking yourself. You need to rest." Jisung nodded in agreement, trying to seem as convincing as possible. "But-" "No, sir," Taeil said, his voice demanding. 

Renjun swallowed his protests as he gave in. "Alright. Maybe...tomorrow..." Taeil nodded, "That's better." The black hair stood up as Jisung followed. "You better not try anything," Taeil said at the door. "I'm watching you." 

Even though the conversation happened only a few hours ago, Renjun was still up thinking.

"I can't..." Renjun whispered to himself as he took a deep breath. Trying his best not to make a ruckus. Although he was exhausted, he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about the crows. How they watched his portal form. And how Mark knows where all of them are headed to.

The south sector.

"I can't let them loose." The orange blonde hair spoke as his wolves kept him warm. "I need to form another portal and aid them." The wolves whined as the brown one spoke up "But you need rest, master. You can't do it without energy." The wizard gave out a sigh as he nodded, trying to play with magic on his hands. Despite trying his best to form a ball, it quickly disappears into puffs of smoke and sparkles. Renjun sank into the warmth, trying not to give in. "I-I really can't...but..." 

His eyes turned white as he spoke to the wolves again, this time they looked at him, determined to make him fall asleep. Their eyes were mesmerising.  "I need to..." His words quickly faded as his eyelids fell heavy from exhaustion. 


Hey guys! I know this story is a little long but it's about to reach it's peak point soon! Thank you for taking your time to read this book. I'm really grateful for it! 🥰 I hope everything goes well for you today and I'll update again soon!
Love 💘 💕,

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