십구: Chenle

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Chenle felt like he was floating.

His feet were free from the ground. A cool feeling surrounding his body. He tried to move, only to find that his movement was restricted by some unknown forces. His hands felt like they were creating waves and he couldn't move his legs. All he saw was pitch black.

He tried to breathe as he felt the cool feeling enter his lungs slowly. Something that doesn't feel like air. 'Where am I? Why can't I feel my legs?' The green hair thought as panic rushes through his mind he tried to move around only to be restricted. His heartbeat quicks as he tried to move once again, finding the older. His conch shell glowed pink as he started to speak cautiously. "J-Jeno Hyung?"


An echoed voice sounded around him like dimensional audio as Chenle held back a gasp, grabbing his conch shell for better lighting. "W-who goes there?" He demanded as he tried to move around now in a struggle. He lighted up the trap that he was in to find that he was trapped in seaweed. And his feet...became a fin. Like a dolphin.

"What..?" Chenle let out unconsciously as he sucked in a breath (or tried to) only to cough as smoke surrounded him. "I said be quiet!" The voices echoed, this time in pure rage and agony. The green hair could hear the shrillness in their voices, the pain coating them. "You shouldn't be here!"

Singing voices started to echo off the walls like he was in a very big, empty room and no one was there. "Why?" He asked as his shell lit up more only to find faces staring at him. Human faces. Yet, their eyes have no iris. No pupils. Chenle held back a scream as they started to touch his face. The singing started to increase in volume and more of them started to join in.

"You shouldn't be here!!"

Their bodies glow in the dark as they sang. Their voices are beautiful and alluring. And Chenle realises they are not just humans.

They are sirens.

"Stop-" Before Chenle could say anything another voice spoke up as a blue light started lighting up in the dark. "Don't hurt him. He's your prince." Chenle turned to the direction of the voice as he tried to make out the figure. Brown hair, black eyes, a glowing blue conch over his neck. And a tall figure.

"Jeno Hyung..." "Why should we believe an outsider like you?!" They shouted the place lighting up in blazing lights as sea lanterns were lit up. Alive and blinking as the sirens swim around, angry. They started to aim at the older, swords pointing.

Yet after all this aggression, all this anger. Chenle could only see the pain and agony in their eyes. Protective over what is left of them. "Because I'm saying the truth!" Jeno retorted, trying to buy time and the sirens aimed angrily, waiting for the strike. Memories flooded into the younger like the water in the deep ocean of Atlantia.

"I'm sorry my baby..." A woman with a crown over her head apologies looking down at him. Her tail was similar to him. "I'm sorry I'm such a bad mother." She said in Chinese. He could make up the background sounds. Metal on metal, clanging. His father shouted in the background as singing was heard, luring the men in before the kill. Before his mother's hands slipped. "No!"

"Help me!" The young boy was pulling away as he saw a person swim towards him, trying to grab his hand. But the person was just not fast enough. As the little boy panicked all he heard was "You're mine now." "No!" His mother said, getting hurt in the process as she carried her child to the surface as fast as she could.

"No..." Chenle whispered as they charged at the brown hair. Not accepting the reason.

"Take him! Take him please!" A woman begged as Chenle sees an old man, who had a look of sympathy on his face as he nodded, taking him into his arms. "Please keep him safe..." The woman said, putting a conch around her child. The old man nodded as he said, "I will. Your majesty."

But he didn't. The old man sold the young boy to the kingdom. His slavery exchanged for money.

"No..." Chenle's voices started to shake as he watched the sirens trying to cut Jeno who broke free from the restraints now fighting them. However, it's obvious that the sirens are winning. The green hair struggled to get out as the conch shell started glowing brighter, hearing the screams echo through his head once again.

"You're just like your parents." A voice sounds, red eyes fell onto him. Wires surrounding his fins and hands. Prince Haechan was out and he didn't know this would happen."Pathetic. Couldn't even fight over the army I sent." The man started laughing as he continued. 

The pain. 

"They said you were dangerous but I think I overestimated you." Chenle now identifies the person's faces as he started to cry. 

The agony.

"Mark hyung please don't-" "Say goodbye to your kingdom, kid. And don't worry." The black hair said pulling the lever. 

"Jeno won't remember you."

The heartache.

"No!" The younger scream in pain as he broke out of the restrains, his fins swimming at them. Not caring about the blood gushing out of his wounds or the pain in his head. He wasn't thinking anymore. His body moved, in auto-pilot mood. "As your prince I demand you let go of him!" The green hair's eyes started turning pink as he looked at them, no hesitation as shown. They sang louder than before but it couldn't beat his voice. The moment his started singing, all the pain rushed in. 

What was left of his parents and the innocence he left.

Before pain and fatigue took over. 

The sirens look at him in utter shock. They never thought their ruler would come back and redeem them from their state. Their eyes started to have a life again as the scales on their skin turned into colours. Shades of blue, purple and pinks started to appear. Their hair turned from seaweed to human hair. Remember how they were before. When life was given and when they were still relevant. Their pain was taken away like magic.

 And they became pure again.

One of them, the one wearing a flower crown on her head looked at him. The head guard. Her eyes having a life again as she smiled. "Prince..." Chenle wanted to speak only to feel faint and tired like the energy has drained from him. "Our prince!" Another smiled as his hair turn brown, his fins in a blue dolphin colour.

"I..." Chenle couldn't speak. He felt weak. Like he was going to blackout. After the memories hit him like a brick, him trying to safe the last of them and escaping from those restrain. His blood still getting lost in the water. He couldn't take anymore. 

The shock, the trauma and the euphoria.

'Save me, Jeno hyung.'

"Chenle!" A voice called for him as he felt arms carrying him once again. Floating him as he was brought along. Chattering could be heard as they started to reform. Despite that, all Chenle could hear before he completely blanked out was

"I'm not letting you go."

Hey guys! I'm back again with a new chapter! Sorry it took so long. 😔 I had a busy week but now it's here.😊 I hope you all have enjoyed it and thank you for reading! 🤗 I hope y'all have a good day/time ahead.
Yours truly 🥰💕,

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