열 여섯: Break

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"Good Morning." Renjun greeted the boys as they entered the living room. The green hair rubbing his eyes as he sat down, sleepily while the brown hair just sat down next to him. "Good morning," Jaemin said as pulled Haechan along who just nodded. "Wow you guys look-" "Terrible I know," Taeil said as leaned against the wall, Jisung yawning. "Why? Couldn't sleep?" Renjun asked as he put the cup down, tea swirling as he did. "Oh, by the way, please help yourselves. It's just some rye bread and tea." "Something like that." Haechan signed before picking up a piece of bread, stuffing his mouth as he did. "Was it too windy? Or the bed was stiff or?" The blondish orange hair prompted. "Well...it's more like. These few days were a little too hectic for all of us..." The pink hair admitted as he sips the tea, the citrus flavour kicking in.

"Yeah...the king has been onto Jaemin. Since he came and made a commotion. But honestly, our plans of escaping that prison. With Mark and all, it has been tiring." Taeil continued, giving a piece of bread to Jisung. "Ah Mark." Renjun thought as he sipped his tea. "It's been a while since I heard this name." "What?" Chenle spoke up, looking at the other. "Well, Donghyuck talked loads about that guy when he was younger." "Like in what way?" Jaemin asked, feeling a little jealous. And that made Renjun laugh. "Not like that. Like...angry and honestly. A little pouty." The oldest said as his lips tugged into a smile at the thought. "Something along the lines of 'Why does my father like him more than me?'" Renjun felt a pillow coming for him as he grabbed it. "Don't!" The brunette signed as he pouted slightly and that made Jaemin chuckle. Chocolate brown eyes meeting pouty ones. Haechan turned away, embarrassed as he hugged the pillow, receiving a pat on the head in return.

"Hoho, didn't both of you get closer?" Renjun smirked. "Yeah. I guess." Jaemin smiled, sending love eye to the other who turned redder than before. Chenle let out a sigh, looking outside as he did. Not knowing that Jeno was looking at him too. Besides the slightly moving atmosphere, everything seemed a little tense. Silence enveloped the room as Renjun looked at everyone. They had a stress expression on their face thinking about their next plan. That was when the oldest thought of something.

"Hey guys," He started as everyone looked at him, their expression a little uneasy. "Why don't you guys take a break? I think you need it." "We don't really have time for-." "C'mon! It'll be fun. Just us. No king, no Mark." Renjun said, trying to be convincing as he looked at them. Chenle looked at the brunette waiting for an answer as Taeil gave it a thought. After some time, the black hair answered, "Yeah. Why not." "Hyung?" Jisung asked a little surprise. "I mean. I don't think we would have any idea yet. Since we are all emotionally unstable right now." Haechan nodded in agreement as he signed "A breath of fresh air would be good."

"Then it's settled! Let's go to the beach!" Renjun said as he clapped his hand together. "W-Wait! W-What if they find us..." Chenle said, frantic. "Don't worry. I have my strategies." The blondish orange hair winked, his hands swirling as he did. "Do you mind, Donghyuck?" Haechan nodded as his left eye turned orange. The white swirls blending in with the hints of orange, making a portal. "Everyone in the portal! We're going on a trip to the beach!" Without a word, Haechan went in along with Jaemin. "W-wait!" The green hair hesitated as he was pulled by Jeno. Whom stopped at his command. "I-I don't know about this..." "Don't worry, it'll be fine. I'll be with you." The older said looking into the other's eyes. "Hurry guys! It can't hold much longer!" Renjun shouted, the portal closing as he did.

With a deep breath, Chenle and Jeno entered the portal, along with Renjun.

They all landed on the soft, plush sand. The grains slipping through their fingers. The sound of the seagulls hit their ears as the smell of the salty sea goes through their nose. "Wow." Jaemin let out as he looked at the glistening ocean. Haechan's eyes shone brightly as he stared too. "Whoo!" Renjun let out as he threw sand at the younger. Whom smirk getting ready. In the end, they ended up in the water. Splashing at each other like little kids. Giggling and carelessly. Not caring one bit. Jaemin slowly joined along too, pulling the other two into the water. Although Chenle denied at first, he was carried by Jeno who placed him in the water. The other laughing as he did. Taeil smiled as he sat on the sand, watching them have fun. "H-Hyung..." Jisung let out. "Hm?" "C-Can we build a sandcastle together?" The orange hair hesitated, asking shyly. Taeil let out a laugh as he pulled the other up. "Of course, we can."

Before they knew it, it had reached the evening. The sunsetting as sat on the benches with the food that they bought from the stand not far from there. Renjun took a glance at them to see some smiles and a more relaxed expression on their face. He smiled, 'That's better.' "How's the food?" Jaemin asked, trying to strike up a conversation. Haechan nodded as he showed him a thumbs up. Meaning it's good. The brunette directs the food to the other, trying to feed him. Jaemin blushed, taking a bite as he turned away, trying to hide his blush. 'Isn't this an indirect kiss?' Haechan tilted his head before realising what he had done, face turning red too.

The brunette distracted himself as he tried to a stick to write. He wrote 'I hope it's good.' The pink hair's eye diverted back to the other as he read the message. "Y-yeah. It's better when it's from you." Haechan decided to squish his cheek together, obviously embarrassed and unable to hide his blush. 'So cute.' Jaemin thought, smiled. Eyes unable to leave the other.

'I want to make him mine.'

"Why aren't you eating...?" Jeno asked the green hair, who had been poking at his food. "Well...I've been thinking." Chenle begin, looking at the other. "Do you think Altantia still exists? Even if you said it is gone..." The younger looked at the waves as the sun starts to set. Red, orange and yellow tones coating the sky. "It felt so near when I was in the ocean. Like, it was calling out for me." Jeno looked at Chenle as he answered, "I'm really not sure. For all we know. It might still be there." The green hair's eyes were shiny as he tried not cry, turning to face the brown hair.

"I hope it is."

The crows slowly watch them as they creeped around, chattering in the shadows as they flew off. Meeting their master.

"Did you think you were safe?"

Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading this chapter and I'll check back with you soon!

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