Him and Her.

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There once was a boy, who held the weight of the world.
Upon his shoulders, and never told.
A smile he wore, every day of his life.
And when people asked "You okay?"
He'd reply with, "I'm fine."
He would cry in his room where no one could see.
And he went through stuff no one would believe.
He tried to escape, to stop the pain.
To free himself of all the chains.
But he is here, still walking around.
He is here, safe and sound.
But the pain still hurts him, everyday.
To be happy, he thought there was no way.
So he doesn't open up, he hides behind a smile.
Only showing sadness every once in a while.

There once was a girl, who held the weight of the world.
Upon her shoulders, and never told.
A smile her wore, every day of her life.
And no one could see the tears in her eyes.
She was an artist, she liked to draw.
But she drew pictures that nobody saw.
She kept this burden, hidden, to stay strong.
Cause if someone knew, she'd have to admit something's wrong.
So a jacket she wore even in the heat.
And lie to her friends and family.
Getting close to death scared her a lot.
She had people she lived for who would be distraught.

The girl met the boy, and they became friends.
It was good until a big argument began.
The guy said something the girl took to heart.
He didn't know that she was falling apart.
He spoke of her drawings he didn't know were there.
So it isn't his fault, he didn't know she'd care.
Anger spread, quickly through them.
Next thing you know, it was the silent treatment.
Time passed, and they became friends.
But their friendship was never the same.
They grew stronger knowing each other's past.
But on one hand, for the girl, those days still hurt like glass.

Now they talk, almost every night.
And they don't really get into terrible fights.
But argue about each other, and the beauty within.
And when he doesn't look, she doesn't smile or grin.
Inside her is darkness just waiting alone.
Waiting for the moment when nobody's home.
For the boy, he doesn't see the light inside.
He also has darkness, but he swears he's fine.
The girl continues to draw, breaking the promise.
And now she doesn't eat. And she isn't starving.
He argues with her, they argued today.
And they got so mad and walked away.
And now she lays, staring at the sky.
And she try's not to cry with all her might.

She'd whisper a song to quiet her pain.
But the tears would fall every now and again.
The boy is mad, at the girl again.
But it won't last because their good friends.
They argue because they care, and don't want the other sad.
But it's hard for them both to let go of the past.
They worry for the future, and where their lives are leading.
Or if they'll make it to the future and stop their heart from bleeding.

She stares at the walls, the colors are white.
Tears won't stop rolling from her eyes.
But when people came near to check and see.
She'd swear she's okay and lie protectively.
Cause she built a cast around her heart and a wall around too.
But the boy came around and tried to fix her with glue.
Now they both carry glass and cut up their skin.
And they do it to keep the other from falling.

But they lie to each other and still say "I'm fine."
But being good friends, they stare and say, "I know you're lying."

Now the girl smiles, to show she's okay.
But deep inside, it isn't that way.
And she hides the fact that she prays every night.
Prays the she'll be okay and alright.

But fate is cruel, and decides to disobey.
And she knows she'll never be okay.

~To be continued~

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