She's powerless, against the raging storm.
In her weak, boring, human form.
But that's what she is, she's only human.
But she can sense when a storm's brewing.
And it happens near her, every time.
Is she the reasons why problems arise?
Why can't she see when the stars align?
And see the color like pink or lime.
Cause grey and black surrounds her now.
And she doesn't feel safe and sound.
And her life is just a stormy cloud,
And the thunder shakes the ground.
She goes home to war, and siblings to protect.
And messages from a perv who has no respect.
And thinking of it makes her sick, so she tries to sleep,
But the thoughts of what he did won't let her be at peace.
She's tired of not sleeping, not eating, or not trying.
She tired of smiling to hide the fact that she's crying.
It's getting too much, but she can't say a word.
Cause it would put people in danger, and her story's too absurd.
No one would believe her if she told anyway.
So she shuts her mouth and stays in a silent place.
But being silent to hide her pain,
Was something that hurt her and made her feel insane.
But what could she do? Who could she tell?
Who would believe her stories of hell?
No one cares except for a few who stayed.
Which is why she doesn't understand why she pushes them away.
She broke promises, wore masks, and told lies,
To hide others from the pain inside.
But someone who stayed won't let her hide,
A boy who suffers greatly and also has told some lies.
The girl loves the boy and thinks he's great.
But the boy never believes the girl and it drives her insane.
And the boy says things like she's beautiful.
The girl thinks the boy lies and he's delusional.
He sees certain things in her that aren't there.
Trust her. She's sees herself in the mirror and stares.
There's nothing to see, inside and out.
So she doesn't know what he's talking about.
But she's getting off track, that's not what this is about.
It's about the fact that she doesn't feel safe in her own house.
She's staying silent now, gonna wear a mask.
And try to hide anything about her past.
Cause no one cares if a girl starts to cry.
Or if she lost someone close to her, someone who died.
When someone's gone... it's like there's a hole.
Where they used to be, and now it's cold.
Their warmth and their presence wrapped her in an embrace.
But now the arms who held her has been replaced.
She's not complaining, she's glad someone's there.
But losing someone... no matter what happens... the hole will always be there.
I'm not finishing this.