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Pov Dipper

"You two better be awake by now~" Mom called.
"You can't be late for you're first day!" Dad shouted after.
"I just need my shoes and bag," I answered.
"I lost my phone!" Mabel yelled in anger.

I chuckled when I heard Mabel yell that. I finish putting on my tie for my dark blue uniform and walked out. I called Mabel's phone and I heard a thank you.

"Good morning sweetie," Mom said before taking a small sip of coffee.
"Hey champ," Dad smiled while putting pancakes on the table.
"Morning mom and dad, " Mabel popped out of nowhere.

Mom kissed our foreheads and smiled at us.

"How was your nightmare tonight?" Mom whispered in Latin.
"Scary..." I responded back in Latin, "But it's not as bad as others."
"I hate when you two speak Latin," Mabel pouted, "I can never understand it and I feel like your talking about me."
"We don't talk about anyone," I said.
"Mabel you can speak croissant," Dad added.
"Croissant is a common language," Mabel stated, "Latin isn't."
"Pumpkin," Dad said.
"Still..." Mabel said.
"Why do you two still call french croissant?" Mom asked.
"Because we can," They both said.

After talking about that we all enjoyed our breakfast together. After we ate Mabel and I had to leave for school. We said our goodbyes and left the house.

Mabel had to go back to the house quick to get her bag full of snacks for her powers. I share with her.

I had to teach Mabel how to tie a tie because hers was uneven. We were kind of lost when we were trying to find the school.

We found it because we saw lots of kids in uniform going inside a school. The school looked huge when we walked closer to it.

We walked inside the building and saw so many people. I saw so many people staring at us as we walked. I felt my shyness invade my body when I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"What's the class number again?" Mabel asked me.
"Its H-300," I answered.
"There are three god damn floors?!" Mabel groaned.
"I think so,"

We were walking to the third floor the hallways were somewhat full, but we still manage to get past people. After a while, I lost Mabel because of the small crowd. I was trying to find Mabel and I couldn't see her anywhere which worried me.

I bumped into someone and he was a bit taller than me. He has golden eyes that sparkled, I saw freckles painted on his cheeks and nose, and he had blonde hair on top while he had pitch black on the bottom.

"I-I'm so sorry," I blushed in embarrassment.
"..." He didn't answer.
"I should have looked where I was going," I muttered quickly.
"It's...fine," He responded.
"I'm sorry..."

I quickly raced away while my flustered face bothering me as I ran. I don't like when I get embarrassed because then my face turns into a rich red. I finally found Mabel and my cheeks were now a soft pink because I claimed down and nothing else happened too.

"Did you do something embarrassing?" Mabel asked me.
I nodded my head violently, "Yes!"
Mabel placed her arm on my shoulder and sighed, "It's okay bro-bro! We all get nervous on our first day and plus like you'll ever see that person again anyway."
"Y-You're possibly right," I stuttered.
"Sometimes," Mabel proudly said.
"At least you're honest with yourself," I added.

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