Small break

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Pov Dipper

The school decided it was best to give everyone a small break because of what happened. Everyone seems stressed out and they didn't want everyone to be jumpy during school. It was a good choice.

I guess everyone needed it and I kind of do because they started to hurt the people I love very much and just innocent people.  Mom told me she was there, but she was healing people so she couldn't see me.

Why do these people want me, well angel's in general? I hope they weren't the same people as before. I'm still scared... but I don't show it that often.

"Dippy?" I saw Mabel peeking through my door.
"What's up?" I smile softly.
"Mom and Dad said we can have friends over," Mabel mumbled.
"Sure!" I got up and took a deep breath, "We can have a little party with friends for therapy purposes."
"Okay," Mabel sounded confused.
"Just trust me," I said, "We all need this and I have lots of pillows!"
"I kind of thought you'll be traumatized after that," Mabel confessed, "LIke last time."
"I'm just thinking about the positive," I said, "Plus... It wasn't as bad as last time."
"Really?" Mabel questioned, "I thought it would since we came to the conclusion that it was the same people that came after you."
"W-What?" I muttered.
"We never told you, didn't we?" Mabel said.
"NO!" I shouted.
"Surprise,"  Mabel made jazz hands trying to make this situation better, "I'll call everyone for the thingy."

Mabel quickly left my room while I just stood there paralyzed thinking about what happened yesterday and what happened that day. Maybe Mabel is wrong about this...

I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees thinking about what happened. Are they going to hurt everyone I care about? I closed my eyes and thought about the what if's.

"What do you want?" I muttered.
You don't have to be a dick.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, "I just have lots of things in my mind right now."
You don't have to tell me twice because I'm you. I know what you're thinking about and it bothers me too.
"Really?" I said.
This effects me too Dipshit.
"You don't have to be mean," I mumbled.
Sorry, it's just those people want us and it's weird.

I started to speak in Latin because it made me feel safer in a way. I don't know why it just does. I looked at my ceiling and sighed.

"I wish they never wanted us,"
I'm scared...
"I am too," I answered while hugging myself.
I-I don't know how to feel about anything...
"What's going to happen to us?" I wanted to know.
I don't like feeling fear.
"Ha...It's never nice," I chuckled awkwardly.
Why is it painful?
"Why do you give me nightmares?" I blurted out.
I-I don't know.
"You don't have power over that?" I asked.
No, I actually don't.

"I guess we can both figure out together uh?" I smiled softly.

I felt dark tears stream down my face and I was confused because I didn't feel like crying at all. I didn't even know that tears can turn dark, well, there was that one time with mom. She started to cry out of nowhere and it was the same color.

"What's going on?" I muttered.
I-I'm confused and scared, but you saying that makes me feel hope that people can see me more than something bad.
"You're crying," I crawled over to the mirror in front of my door.
"It's okay," I mumbled, "I cry when a dog dies in a movie."

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