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Pov Dipper

Yesterday was so much for me because too much happened. Mom told me that it was okay because that was the way she meant my dad.


"Honey it's okay," She smiled.
I looked at her, "R-Really?"
"Of course!"

Dad looked at my mom and I felt weird when they looked at each other. They had this secret code.

"Dippin sticks was just nervous about the first day," Mabel explained.
"I was like that when I meant your father for the first time,"

I grabbed the couch pillow and hid my face. I just meant the guy! Well... not really, but still!

"Mom, I don't even know his name! How can you say that?!" I blurted out in Latin.
"I'm just trying to relate sweetie," Mom said.
"B-But still!" I removed the pillow from my face, "Mom that's different! You and dad at least knew each other's names... I didn't even know him. My face was so red!"
"Child... to make you feel better I acted like you when I mean Dr. Angelo?" Mom said.
"A little," I muttered.
"I understood none of that conversation," Dad added. 
"Same," Mabel said.

Flashback over

I was with Mabel walking outside for lunch since the bell rang. We found a tree to sit under since the sun was out and harassing our eyes. Mabel had her sunglasses that someone gave her for some reason that I can't remember. 

"Dippy you always look so serious when you stare off to space like that," Mabel told me.
"Really?" I questioned.
"Yeah," Mabel confidently said.
"Do I look mean serious or just serious?" I asked.
"You never look mean," Mabel sounded like she gave me a compliment. 
"Thanks?" I didn't know how to sound.
"No problem," She smiled. 

I laughed and Mabel just looked at me like I was crazy. I see Mabel patting every inch of her body for some odd reason and I looked at her. 

"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Fuck," Mabel groaned.
"What happened?" I asked again.
"I forgot my phone in the classroom," Mabel sighed.
"Then go get it," I said, "It's still gonna be there."
"I know, but I have to go all the way back there," Mabel pointed to the third floor.
"Or you can leave it there," I suggested.
"Bitch I don't trust my phone alone in a public place," Mabel said.
"Then go it," I said.
"I know," She sighed.
"Bye~" I waved.
"Don't do anything stupid when I'm gone," Mabel said.
"I'm not you~" 

Mabel just left right after I said that because she knew it was true sometimes. I chuckled as she walked off back inside to get her phone because she can't trust it in a classroom with Soul. Well... I don't know what she does in the classroom when no one is there, does she even leave her classroom? I mean teachers do grade inside their classrooms which does take a while.

I'm not a teacher, but grading papers do take a while depending on the work and how extra people are. Why am I thinking about this too? I just sat on the ground and looked at my phone for anything interesting. 

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