Not just a hero

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Pov Jamie

I kept over hearing Allen and Vivian. I can't let them take him away! They're going to hurt him and I can't let that happen.

He's really nice to me...

He asked me if I was okay...

He acts like dad...

He cares for me like he did...

I would let Vivian take him away too.

Not this time.

I heard loud noises come from outside and I know who it is. Allen called in a favor from the circus gang.

The hero's are in trouble, but I need to find him before it's too late. Vivian...

"He's finally given up," H-He can't....
"....I-I won't st-stop," Dipper.... he's really hurt, "We won't stop..."

I could see that he wanted to struggle but he couldn't because he looked weak. He started to struggle but he got hurt again.

I can't do anything because then they'll tell on me and Vivian will hurt me even more. She'll hide him away where I can't find him.

They were taking him higher up in the building. That doesn't make any sense because we can escape easily. Allen must have something planned if he wanted him to be up here. Or Vivian wants something more.

Then slowly we were going back down which confused me even more because they made their jobs higher. Was it to trick anyone that may be watching us?

The basement would be harder to escape because it underground. I hide behind something quickly because they looked back.

"Did you hear something, Matt?" He asked.
"Daren I didn't," Matt told him, "We have to get ready for the other prisoner later too."
"W-Who?" Dipper asked.

They both made devilish smiles and walked into the room where they're supposed to him in. Dipper looked at them asked them again.

"We have him in case you refuse to talk," Matt smiles.
"We're planning to kill him so you'll learn your lesson," Daren said.

Who is he talking about? Vivian never mentioned taking someone else but Dipper. Allen.

"A blonde boy," Matt said.
I see Dipper's eyes widen, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!"

I saw a singular tear run down his face as he yelled at Matt and Darren. The two started to describe how they were doing to kill him. Why am I so scared now?

Third Person

Matt and Daren started to talk about how they were going to kill the blonde haired boy. Slowly and painfully in front of Dipper.

Dipper wasn't having it and was telling them not to touch him or else. They weren't scared at all because he was chained up with no way of hurting them.

They continued to upset Dipper. He completely turned into a different person due to his other side being as anger and even more.

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