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Third Person

It's been weeks since the violence had progressed more, but serious things have happened. The school has been receiving letters from random villains. Threats to the new hero's that dear go against them. They had more plans than simple threats... A plan that will destroy.

Regardless of that, Dipper has been jumpier than usually because he's been overthinking about many things.

If he's safe
His mother
His father
His friends


Things haven't been good for any angel these days because of the sudden outburst. Falling angel mode has become more of a threat than a friend to them. Angels have always seen their other half as a burden than a friend either way, why think different?

Today Dipper is at the local coffee shop with Mabel. Their parents are off with their daily duties and not just fighting bad guys. Promise.

"I like their hot chocolate here," Mabel smiles brightly as she sipped.
Dipper stared at his cup as he mumbled, "It is, but I like their coffee."
Mabel rose her eyebrow and looked at her brother, "Dipper stop worrying."
"I'm not worrying," Dipper exclaimed, "I'm thinking."
Mabel rolled her eyes and leaned toward Dipper, "Don't give me that bullshit. I know you're worried about everyone, but it's okay."
"Mabel you know that I can't stop worrying even if I really tried," Dipper confesses, "I just can't."
"Yes you can," Mabel placed her hand on top of his, "You just need to relax."
"Alright," Dipper sighed, "I'll try."

Mabel smiled at her younger brother and continue to drink her coffee. Dipper took small sips as he watched the TV behind Mabel talking about the recent crimes.

'Well Gravity Falls, there is no hope into stopping this sudden outbreak of crime running down the streets. People are becoming afraid of what might happen next! Isn't that right Frank?'
'You're sure right Carla! These crimes are sure a mystery, but the letter being sent to our upcoming heroes are a concern. We have also heard that they want something more than our upcoming heroes, but we don't know exactly what yet.'
"Dipper stop watching the news," Mabel groaned.
"I'm sorry," Dipper apologized, "I couldn't help it."
"We're going to the mall and buying that sweatshirt you found online," Mabel said.
"Yeah!" Dipper cheered.

Dipper wasn't usually the shopping type because he would always get bored, but he wanted to find a sweatshirt that was to die for. A baby blue sweatshirt with a small pinetree on the front.

Mabel just wanted to go shopping. They finished their drinks and quickly left the coffee shop.

They walked to the mall while talking about their grades and other things. Dipper had a funny feeling in his stomach which considered him. He felt like someone was following them as they walked.

"Dippy we're here!" Mabel chuckled in excitement.
Dipper ignored his gut and smiled, "I don't get why you're so excited Mabel, you've been to the mall before."
"I know, I know, but still! It's the mall Dippin' dots," Mabel smiled.
"Where you can find clothing and stupid stuff that people end up buying for no reason," Dipper stated.
"And sometimes that stupid stuff comes in handy," Mabel said.
"We're both creations," Dipper sighed, "We can easily make this stuff."
"It gets boring and plus what's the point if you can't have fun with trying on clothes that you'll never buy," Mabel claimed.
"Very true," Dipper said.

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