Obstacle course

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Pov Dipper

Thursday wasn't as eventful as Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Soul wasn't here because she had a meeting last minute so we all didn't do anything. We had to bring our gym uniforms today which were dark blue shorts and a black t-shirt with our school name written on the back.

We were inside this huge gym with obstacles and a ring. In our old school, we would just train outside because our school was cheap.

"This is so cool!" I smiled.
"Really?" Star asked me.
"Yeah! Our school was too cheap to get this kind of stuff," I replied.
"That's sad," Star snickered.
"I know right?" Mabel said.
"And it's sad," Star added.

I chuckled softly as they made fun of our old school. I can hear Soul cursing under her breath for some reason. I hope she didn't forget anything.

I felt someone grab my waist, "Hey Pinetree~"
"Oh! Hey Bill," I smiled.

Bill let's go of me and places his arm around my shoulder.

"You're so cheerful today," Bill purred.
"I'm actually a little nervous about this," I confessed, "I feel like I'm going to do bad."
"No, you won't Pinetree," Bill placed his finger under my chin, "You'll do great."
"Okay," I said.
"That's the spirit," Bill smiled.

Bill placed his hand down and just walked with me. I can feel Bill getting tense for some reason.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"I'm fine," Bill told me.
"You sure?" I looked at him crossing my arms.
"I feel like someone is trying to burn my soul," Bill said.
"Oh," I said.
Bill glared into a certain direction,
"They're just being dicks."

I see Bill and Star aggressively give each other death stares. Then I see Mabel also giving it to Bill.... why do they do this.

They've been doing this since yesterday. I usually tell Mabel and Star to stop because they usually start it, but I'll try with Bill.

"Bill..." I mumbled.
"Yes Pinetree?" Bill answered.

I gave him a dull look and he sighed before looking back at me.

"Stop giving them death glares, please,"
"I bet that last part meant please," Bill said.
"Correct," I booped his nose.
"Fine," He sighed.
"You two," I said looking at Mabel and Star.
"Fine," They both groaned.

We stopped at this obstacle course that looked a lot like a game show.

"Why does this look like Truth, Lie, or Die The Game Show?" Mabel asked Star.
"I honestly don't know, but this one is new I think?" Star started to question her judgement as she looked at it some more.
"No it looks like the one from Jump, Jump, Jump," I said.
"I think it's a mixture of the two," Bill answered.
"I can see that," Star said.

Soul dropped something that made everyone quiet down. We all looked at her as she smiled at everyone.

"So I know what your all thinking," Soul said, "I know this looks like a game show obstacle course and yes you are correct, it is! Well two of them exactly."

She snapped her fingers and we were all seated.

"So this will have traps and things like that, but if you've seen the game shows you'll know them," Soul added.
"People who actually pay attention will have an advantage!"
"No fair!"
"Shut the fuck up! You guys have to learn that more people are more experienced in certain things. I knew this would happen so we add some more extreme traps." Soul said.
"Is that why Healer is here?"
"Yes!" Soul smiled.
"I'm also here to give you advice, " Healer added.
"Get ready because I'm calling random people," Soul mentioned.
"The hat!" Everyone cheered.
"The hat!" Soul yelled.

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