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Pov Bill

It's been a few weeks since Sapling sleepover at my house after the whole argument with Ford. Pinetree has been a little happier in my opinion ever since that. He's told me that his mom understands, but I still not so sure.

I don't know them personally or ever even meant them at all. I feel like Ford is going to make my life even harder now. Great.

"Bill?" Lady Widow threw a paper ball at me.
"Uhm?" I looked up at her, "What's up?"
"You haven't touched your assignment since you've got it," Andrew added, "That's not normal for you."
"Just thinking?" I mumbled.
"Now you're just drawing on the corner of the sheet," Star pointed out.
"Did you do something to Mabel?" Lady Widow whispered to me.
"She's aggressively glaring at me right?" I sighed.
"It feels like she's trying to steal your soul," Will answered, "Now it got more serious."
"I don't know why she's doing it too," Will knew what I meant but the others don't.
"Did you do something stupid?" Star asked.
"No," I said, "Just ignore it."

I started to do my work and the feeling of her trying to consume my soul isn't helping. She's been doing it since it happened. What the fuck Mabel!

I know she's overprotective but I don't get why she has to do this to me. I would never hurt Pinetree!

"Bill... we should really talk to Dipper about Mabel's aggressive staring," Will whispered.
"I know," I sighed.
"Do you think she's gonna stop?" Will wondered.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Pinetree flicking her on the forehead. I see some mouth movement and it's just the two arguing until Pinetree wins. Will just softly smiled at me.

"He protecting you," Will made a smug look at me.
"Shut up," I groaned.

Star heard that and she looked at me with confusion. The way Will said it might sound weird to her.

"Shit! Class is almost over so I need your work and you can finish it after lunch," Soul said.

I looked at my paper and I only did two of the ten questions... WHAT THE FUCK! I quickly started to do some more and Soul took it away.

"Daydreaming uh?" Soul asked me.
"Thinking actually," I responded.
"Work or something else?" Soul said.
"Something else," I told her.
"Just make sure you finish," Soul said before walking away.
"What were you thinking about?" Andrew asked me.
"Life," I blurted out.
"Same," Andrew sighed, "It's just too much."
"Then life can be rewarding when you put in the effort and get something in return from the universe," Star smiles.
"Good job Star," Lady Widow placed her hand on her head.

The bell rang and only a few people went out of the room. It's usually everyone but us maybe it's just today.

"Dippy where are you going!?" Mabel shouted.
"To seat with people that we know," Pinetree pointed to our table.
"Oh yeah," Mabel somewhat blushed.
"Hehehe," Pinetree chuckled.

They went over to our little spot and sat in their usual places. We started to talk about random things.

"So basically the whole movie was a fucking scam to cover up that conspiracy?" Star mumbled.
"Yes," Pinetree said.
"Why didn't they make earlier?" Andrew questioned.
"I wasn't as serious," Pinetree answered.
"Wouldn't it have been easier if they just went down to every room and show them it wasn't real?" Lady Widow wondered.
"They aren't that smart," Pinetree chuckled.
"People are weird," Will said.

I laughed because I thought it was funny. I mean this is just stupid but I can't be mad because then life would be boring. Mabel stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder while looking at everyone.

"I need to have a small chat with Bill," Mabel made a devilish smile.
"Okay?" Andrew said.
"I'm so dead," I whimpered to myself.
"Come on Bill," Mabel said.

Mabel pulled me up quickly and dragged me outside of the classroom. I was honestly scared because she's been giving me death glares so much. Pinetree and Will looked somewhat worried but you can't tell.

Mabel looks around and then moves me a little more away from the door.

"What's this about Mabel?" I asked.
"Listen closely Cipher," Mabel's voice went deep and serious, "My brother may trust you with his life but it doesn't mean that I do. My job is to protect him from anyone that tries to harm him as much as possible."
"Mabel I-"
"I don't care what you have to say right now, but I worry about Dipper a lot. I've been keeping an eye on you because I don't know if I can fully trust you with Dippy. I see the look in his eyes when he talks about you and I've never seen that," Mabel started to explain, "I just keep my eye on you because I don't want him to get hurt again."

What does she mean by again?
I know what the word 'again' means but I'm surprised that he's already been hurt.

"I'm sorry that I've been looking like I've been trying to steal your soul," Mabel said, "I'm just worried about you... even if I don't show it the right way." 

Why do I see Pinetree in her...I mean the way they express emotions. They both have a hard time showing it in certain situations. I wonder where they get it from...

"It's okay Mabel," I told her, "I can't show my emotions either."
"That's not true," Mabel said, "You do it just fine."
"Really? Maybe it was because of Pinetree... before I didn't show anything and you can ask Will about it. I refused to show any sign because it didn't feel natural to me," I told her.
"My brother can do that a lot and that's why it's so easy to trick him, it cares too much," Mabel confesses, "That's why he has me to tell him when he's caring too much. Now he has you and it's weird not worrying when he's not around me because he hangs out with you."
"I'll make you a promise, Mabel," I said.
"What is this promise?" Mabel asked me.
"I'll try to protect him as best as I can and won't tell a soul about him," I see her smile.
"Deal," Mabel shook my hand.
"Alright then," I smiled.

Mabel started to laugh because this was making her life way more easier. I mean I am keeping her promise because we told Will before the promise so.....

All of a sudden we both get a text.

"WILL!" Mabel shouted
"PINETREE!" I shouted.

Good to hear my big boy and my older sister being nice to each other. Awe~

"Good to hear Mabel being nice for once my ass, Will," Mabel rushed in and I heard Will yell in panic.
"Mabel no!" Pinetree shouted.

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