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Pov Dipper

"Hey, Kiddos!" Grunkle Stan just broke our door.
"I'll fix it," Ford said.
"Grunkle Stan Grunkle Ford!" Mabel cheered.
"The door!" My mom shouted.
"Ford will fix it," Grunkle stan said.
"You should really start knocking," I sighed.
"Pancakes?" Dad offered.
"Sure," Stan said.
"I'm so sorry Maria," Ford apologized.
"It's fine," Mom sipped her coffee, "If you fix it."

Ford just placed the door on the side and sat down with us during breakfast. Stan smiled at us and Mom just kept looking at Stan because of the broken door. This was the third time...

"How are you guys?" Stan asked.
"Everything is great, but the breaking the door." Mom said.
"How's the school," Ford asked.
"It's been great!" Mabel had stars in her eyes.
"We did do an excellent job on handling the school," Ford confidently smiled.
"At least you gave them a fair chance to get into the school," Dad said.
"We didn't judge the tapes because it wouldn't be fair," Stan said.
"We had other heroes judge it and they were impressed," Ford mumbled.
"I was worried the whole time," I muttered.
"The good thing is that you live way closer than the organization," Stan pointed out.
"That is the other reason we moved back because life is so much easier," Mom raised her coffee cup in the air and quickly placed it down.
"Maria you also spilled the coffee," Dad pointed out.
"I know honey," Mom said, "I know" 
"We have to get to school!" I somewhat choked on my juice.
"SHOOT!" Mabel said stuffing her face with the last pancake.

We quickly kissed mom's cheek and hug dad and quickly rush out of the door with Mabel. Mabel had to run back with to get the bag of snacks again and I hate when we do this. When we realize we're going to be late everything just goes downhill. 

While we were halfway to school we both realize something when we saw a red car. 

"Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford could've given us a ride!" We both yelled. 
"Fucking damn it!" Mabel yelled.
"UGH!" I groaned. 

I heard a familiar chuckle coming from behind us which made me smile because I knew who it was. Star jumped on my back as I laughed with Mabel.

"Hey you two," She smiled.
"Hey Star," Mabel giggled while I smiled.
"I'm so relieved that you caught me Dipper," Star told.
"I would feel so bad if I dropped you," I explained, "I would be so worried that I hurt you."
"I felt the caring vibe from you and not because you're an angel," Star said.
"If I'm being completely honest most angels are fucking D-I-C-K-S," Mabel told her, "The stereotype saying that there suppose to be nice and sweet is such a lie."
"Really?" Star questioned.
"I'm telling the truth because Dippy is the kindest and cutest thing you'll ever meet," Mabel stated, "He's just so nice and caring for people he doesn't even know."
"M-Mabel," I felt my face turn red.
"You're the cutest," Star chortled.
"I hate you two," I muttered, "No... I don't hate you." 
"SEE!" Mabel said.
"Shut up Mabel," I hissed.
"You guys are so fun," Star grinned.

Star told us stories about the school and some dumb rumors that were brewing up. Mabel was all over the gossip part which I had to listen too. I realized that I carried Star all the way to the school entrance.

"I bet you can't carry me up the stairs?" Star smiled.
"Oh no," Mabel muttered.
"Bet!" I smiled.

I raced up the stairs as Star laughed hysterically. Mabel followed behind and I started to run up the stairs to make her tired. We when we got to the third floor Star just looked at me.

"Aren't you tired?" Star asked.
"Not really," I answered.
"Let's go to class," Star pointed to the hallway.
"Yeah," Mabel said.

Star jumped off my back and walked in between us. The reason why I switched to those side bags because Mabel would always do this to me. We walked into the classroom which was almost full. Star joined us by pulling up a chair and chatting with us.

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