Thoughts and actions

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Pov Bill

I kept thinking about what happened yesterday and I can't stop thinking about it too. I mean he kissed my cheek and I don't know if it's a friendly thing or a sign that he's into me!

Because some people kiss other people on the cheek as a friendly thing. Yesterday I was so confident that I had a chance but then I realized this. Fuck!

I've been muttering to myself since the morning about this. Will has been looking at me like I'm crazy because of it. I'm not!

"Bill stop spacing off!" Will pulled me away from the moving cars.
"Sorry," I said.
"What's so important that you lose sight of what's in front of you?" Will asked me.
"Nothing," I said.
"Nothing my ass," Will groaned.
"You don't need to know about it okay," I sighed.
"I do now because you're going to get hurt," Will said pointing at the road, "You've already made my point."
"I don't want to tell you, Will," I told him, "This doesn't really involve you."
"As your younger brother..." Will looked at me while placing his arm around my shoulder, "I should know because you do stupid shit."
"This isn't something stupid either way," I replied, "I'm not going to do anything remotely stupid because it's not going to go to that point of stupidity."
"Right," Will didn't really believe me.

Will started to nag me as we walked to school and I was getting annoyed. I can't tell him either way because then he'll get all involved in my confusion friendship with Pinetree.

Pinetree and I talk a lot to the point where we get to the personal stuff. I know a lot about Pinetree and I feel like if I do something dumb I might lose that bond with him.

Maybe I should just ask him?

No... maybe it would make things awkward! Christ this is confusing. When we made it to the classroom everyone was sitting in a circle talking.

This was a first.

Pinetree was talking to everyone, did he start this? Will and I went next to Andrew and Lady. We asked what was going on because it felt like a cult thing to me for some reason.

"What's happening?"
"At first it was a heated argument between two people and then Dipper stepped in," Andrew explained.
"Then it turned into this," Lady Widow finished, "Just a bunch of people talking to each other... well talking about a topic that we all enjoy."
"It's nice to know we have another peacemaker here," Star popped out of nowhere.
"What about me?" Will questioned.
"Dipper and Mabel get here earlier than you guys sometimes," Star muttered, "It's just whoever is here first I guess but you can't do the peacemaking all the time."
"That's true," Will agreed.
"Do something cool!" Someone said.
"He's not going to do a trick," Mabel hissed.
"I don't think I can do anything cool," Pinetree told everyone.
"I have a question," Someone said, "Is the little halo thing true?"
"Yes," Pinetree answered, "I don't get why people think it's fake sometimes."
"Someone told me it was," The same person mumbled.
"It's fine," Pinetree chuckled.
"Is anyone seeing the new Turtle ghost special?" Mabel asked.

Everyone started talking about the Turtle Ghost special that was coming on tv soon. I started to smile when I saw the look on Pinetree.

He looked adorable as always when he talked about something he was into. Pinetree caught me looking at me and I saw a faint blush appear on his cheeks.

"A-Anyway... The special is going to be amazing," Pinetree explained.

The bell rang but no one moved from their spots. We were waiting for Soul to barge into the room, but she didn't show up.

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