A Promise Kept?

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Third Person

"Do you have everything?"
"I have everything,"
"Is everyone in place?"
"Yes, sir,"
"I'll be there and once I arrive we will begin,"
"Should we start entering the building?"
"Make sure you don't get caught,"
"We won't sir,"
"Remember who we want and who do we want there?"
"The angel or his close friend and Angelo,"
"Now go," His soft chuckle went through the phone.

Bill has been thinking about the promise that he was planning to keep. He's been a little less anxious about it as time slowly passed by.

Yet slowly things started to crumble down as more violence around the school started to happen. More kids being threatened by villains and the teachers as well. Everyone is becoming scared about what might happen next.

Dipper has been getting the feeling that someone has been following him which haunts him. Dipper doesn't like going alone places so he brings Mabel along.

She doesn't mind following Dipper because ever since he told her she doesn't want him to go alone. The organization is getting into the sudden violence that has been occurring right now.

They're all in their classrooms learning about the importance of making allies and about medical attention in case authorities don't come in time.

"The medical part is going to be a while because I kind of forgot somethings too so we're all learning," Soul smiled.
"This doesn't sound like a good idea," One of her students muttered.
"If I get confused I'll call Healer for help because he was the one who taught all the teachers," Soul told everyone.

Everyone was paying close attention to Soul as she talked about certain things. Only after a few minutes, Soul started to get confused about everything. 

"What the fuck Healer! These steps are so confusing?!" Soul groaned in annoyance.
"Soul calm down," Will said.
"Dipper!" Soul shouted, "Since you're the only one next to Will I trust to get a teacher without getting distracted."
"Why not Will this time?" Mabel asked.
"He went last time and they take turns like good children," Soul was mad about the steps.
"Okay," Dipper got up and left the classroom.

Dipper had to walk all the way downstairs because his office was on the first floor. He walked past classrooms teaching random things to their students. He's always felt safe at school because of its security.

Dipper started to think to themselves about what's been going on because it just feels strange. He started to think about himself.

Why do I feel like I'm feeling followed again?
I don't feel safe either.
You finally talked.
I'm sorry... I just didn't feel like talking.
I was getting worried about you.
It's okay.
We should walk a little faster now.
Good call.

Dipper didn't think twice about walking faster because he did get that feeling. It was odd of him feeling this way. He tried to stay calm because there are other people here.

Slowly other footsteps started to join Dipper's as he walked faster. Dipper stopped and looked back to make sure it just wasn't another student.

"No one," Dipper mumbled, "Is anyone there?"

There was no answer and Dipper started to walk once again. The other footsteps followed. Dipper got out his phone and went to text Mabel.

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