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POV Dipper

Saturday was terrifying because of what happened. I didn't leave my room for the rest of the weekend because of it. Dr. Angelo told my parents that they're finding the person who tried to kidnap me. They said it might take a while because they were wearing a mask.

Dr. Angelo gave me something to protect me or to attack someone when I can't. I still don't know what it actually does because he just told me never to take it off. Then I realized that all of the angels were wearing it, but their all different stones in the middle. I have one that matches my signature color which looks kind of cute.

Dad really wanted me to carry a teaser around and I refused because then Star would get it. I don't know if it's safe for two things that can hurt people be together. She can make it more powerful if she tried.

Mom wasn't worried on the outside but I could tell she was because of what I told her. I remember breaking down when I started to talk. I never thought that I could be that afraid in my life.

Mabel and I are entering the school gates which were heavily guarded since the violence has gone up. We walked around the halls for a while because we came a little early. Everyone was just talking and hanging around the halls. We basically saw our whole class and another in the same hall. We saw our friends and went over to them.

"Hey you guys," Mabel smiled.
"Sup," Andrew mumbled.
"Hey you two," Star smiled.
"Hey," I smiled.
"How are you?" Lady Widow asked me.
"A little jumpy, but I'm fine," I answered.
"Great," Will said.
"I feel like something is going on today," Andrew confessed.
"No," Will said.
"We would have known," Mabel said.
"Maybe it's one of those surprises," Andrew mumbled.
"That's very true," Lady Widow said.
"Doing alright Pinetree?" Bill whispered.
"Yeah, everything is fine Bill," I whispered back.
"Can we have a little talk over there?" Bill tilted his head to an empty spot.
"Okay," I whispered.

Bill just lead me to the empty spot. My back was against the wall while I looked up at Bill with a soft smile.

"What's up?"

Bill places his hand on my head and gives me this warm smile that I barely see from him. I just look at him and smile softly, yet I ended up swaying back and forth like an idiot. When I noticed I stopped and just blushed.

"So," I mumbled.
"Just wanted to see how you were doing with everything," Bill said, "Things like that."
"I'm doing fine, Bill," I answered, "Just a little jumpy."
"You know you can tell me anything," Bill told me.
"I know," I replied quickly.
"You answered that so quickly," Bill said, "What's the rush?"
"I don't know," I mumbled.
"You sure," Bill came closer to me.
I pushed him away with my two fingers on his forehead, "No Bill."
"Don't be so mean Pinetree," Bill pouted.
"I'm not being mean," I told him.
"Yes, you are," Bill responded.
"Don't make me feel bad," I mumbled.
"Just teasing my little sapling," Bill placed his forehead on my mine.
"You're depromoting me to sapling," I said, "You're mean."
"Just teasing you," Bill smiled.
"Sapling isn't bad either," I mumbled.
"I'm good with nicknames," Bill felt so proud.
"You are," I said.

Bill just decides to tease me which I kind of like because it made me feel less jumpy. I don't know why his witty and quirky comments make me feel safe.

Don't get why you fall for this shit, Mason. It's just stupid shit.

Why does he have to be in my mind now? I don't care what he thinks but I just want him to shut up!

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