Little Things

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Pov Dipper

I was so worried about mom when I found out. Mom and I talked about what happened and how she was okay. I couldn't help but cry, but I didn't.

The whole weekend was the same as any other, but we had an emergency meeting. It was about what happened and how the streets were getting more violent.

We saw recent photos of people getting beat up, shot, stabbed, and some dead. They were innocent people... Everyone knows our organization because we help people.

Like recusing people, healing people, and things like that. It was only angels that day, but an honorary angel's got the power point to look over at home.

Mabel and I walked to school quickly. Mabel kept holding my arm because of that power point.

"I can't feel my arm," I said.
"Good that means I'm holding you tight," Mabel muttered, "Maybe it's not hard enough."
She held it tighter, "Owie."

I managed to break free from Mabel and she pouted. We finally made it to school.

We saw more security than usual near the front gates. We inside the grounds and went to class.

I saw Star sitting on our desk as she waved at us. Mabel waved and smiled like everything was normal. When sat down she looked at us.

"Are you to panicking in the inside?" Star asked us.
"Yes," Mabel blurted out.
"A little," I said.
"Why aren't you worried?" Star asked, "I mean what if we get hurt."
"I said I'm a little worried Star," I said, "Or maybe more."
"I walked with Lady Widow and Andrew," Star muttered.
"Everyone is freaking out," Mabel said.
"I know,"

I see Bill enter from the corner of my eye. My eyes slightly widen when I noticed he was wearing makeup. He's covering something up because I don't think he's the type to wear any. I shouldn't assume...

"Hey, Bill!" Star smiled.
"Hey Star," Bill greeted.
"How was walking?" Star said while leaning in his direction.
"It was fine," Bill assured her, "Nothing is going to happen to us."
"What if?" Star muttered.
"Don't give me that what if shit," Bill groaned.
"It's just a little weird that people are getting hurt all of a sudden," Mabel said.
"It is," Star said.
"Pinetree is something wrong?" He asked me.
"Sorry," I chuckled, "Zoning out."
"Do you think its someone's plan," Mabel wondered.
"To hurt people for no reason?" Star mumbled.
"As a warning?" Bill suggested.
"Everyone to your seats," Soul shouted.

Everyone was seated as we looked at Soul sitting on top of her desk. She crossed her legs and gave everyone this look I couldn't explain. It's serious yet heartbreaking in my eyes for some reason.

"We're having a small pep talk before getting into the lesson for today," Soul explained, "It's about what's been happening and how long."

Everyone started to pay attention to Soul once she said that. The room was silent. It was so uncomfortable. Mabel took out her phone and kept looking at the power point. I took her phone away and shut it off because I didn't want to see them again.

"Everyone is finally noticing what's been happening for a month now," Soul told us.

I was surprised when I heard that because we were basically just told about this. I guess the organization didn't want to tell us until it got serious.

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