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Pov Dipper

Where am I?

I looked around and saw nothing it was just a flat landscape. I wanted to panic but at the same time, I didn't want too.

I kept walking and it felt like I was going nowhere as I wondered this unfamiliar land. I felt the ground shake violently and I try to stay balanced, but I could.

I was on the floor and I couldn't get up. I looked up and saw so many people walking around me. They kept pushing me back down while I tried to get up.

I heard them whisper things that I couldn't understand. They kept getting louder and louder as I stood silent.

I felt like I was being picked up and thrown somewhere else. Everything was really bright colors that were flashing. I fell backwards and I was falling.

I opened my eyes and I'm back on the ground but I see the color red. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I looked up to see the rabbit mask. I saw the person that also captured me at the school.

I start to see random people.

I looked around to see the people I care about hurt and they weren't moving. They can't be dead.

This is what you get for making our job harder.

They grabbed me and I saw something that looked like that drug he also used on me. They all had one and they injected them in my friends and family.


I couldn't move at all I could do was watch and they started to wake up. I could hear them begging for help but I could help me.

I heard gunshots and my eyes widen...


I jolted up and looked around the room I was in. I was breathing heavily and somewhat sweaty. I see Bill by my side shirtless.

I hugged my knees and sighed, "It was just a nightmare."

I looked at my hands and they weren't pitch black. This isn't right, I thought, he's supposed to be here.

When I wake up from a nightmare my hands always turn pitch black. It always happens. I felt Bill's arms around me while he placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Pinetree go back to bed," Bill yawned, "Its five in the morning."
I kissed his cheek and said, "I didn't mean to wake you up, go back to sleep."
"Lay down with me," Bill muttered.
"In a second," I answered.
"Was it a nightmare?" Bill asked me.
"Forgot I told you about them," I mumbled.
Bill whispered softly, "Its okay Pinetree, I'm here with you no matter what."
"Thanks, Bill," I smiled softly.
"Now lay back down with me," Bill mumbled, "I'm still tired."

I laid back down with Bill and he held while kissing my forehead. I looked at him and he just smiled.

"I'll try my best to make you feel safe," Bill yawed.
"Thanks," I smiled softly.

Third Person

Dipper went back to sleep because Bill wouldn't let him go. It's a few hours later and Will woke up because of his alarm.

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