Just A Child

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Pov Dipper

I used the chains to choke her and that caused her to kick the person holding the camera. I think his name was Daren, but whatever. He grabbed me and she was free.

"You're gonna it now," He told me.
"Fuck you!" I hissed.
"Leave it," Vivian said.
"Really boss?" He questioned.
"Yes," She answered, "We'll leave him to rot here until his time comes."
"Okay," Vivian was about to walk out.
I don't know what came over me, "You think you aren't an angel because you got your wings taken away."

She stopped and I looked at her.

"You'll always be a burden to yourself because you'll never be able to fly again. Ha... you don't even know what makes you an angel, don't you?" I said, "You have been something greater."
"A angel's innocence's is in their wings," Vivian told me, "Those matter to us, but I guess he never told you that because once you use the fallen he takes them. Rips your innocences from the most innocent which is you now."

She left with Daren and dragged Matt away from the door. They closed it and I was left alone with my thoughts again.

"Angelo is sick," I said.
Did he really do that?
"I-I don't know what to believe," I muttered.
Can we punch Angelo for making us a part of this?
"Yes," I sighed, "I guess she wants to make him suffer the way she did."
The kid...
"He's so scared," I said.
Can we even save him?
"I promised,"
We both did.

I heard the door knob turn and I thought it was going to be Allen. He's gonna beat the living crap out of me. I can already feel it.

Broke bone
Did we ever eat breakfast?
"Why are you thinking about food right now? We're being held as prisoners!"
I was just wondering?!
"No we didn't eat and now I want a snack because of you?!"

I heard a few noises come from outside of the door and they were kind of worrying me. It was loud crashes and slams, but I don't know what's going on.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed.

A very LARGE axe was sticking out of the door and I was honestly scared. Are they actually going to cut my wings off now?

I'm so scared.

Then the building started to shake all of a sudden and I knew a human being could not cause this. I heard Mabel's voice from the air vents.

"FUCK YOU BITCHES!" Mabel shouted.
"LANGUAGE!" Will yelled at Mabel.
"FUCK YOOOOUUU!" Soul screamed.
"DAMN IT SOUL!" Lady Widow sighed and yelled at the same time to me.

The door flung open and I saw another guy with a key. I kept hissing at him not to touch me but he undid the shackles and tied me up.

"Get your hands off me!" I shouted.

He groaned and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine!

I escaped but he used something to catch up to me. It felt weird and gross. He punched me multiple times.

He stopped all of a sudden which confused me a lot because he just stopped. He let's go of me and falls on to the ground.

An Angel's InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now