A win

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Third Person

Bill kept looking at Dipper telling him that he shouldn't go through his plan. Dipper placed his hand on his cheek and smiled softly.

"We can do it in a safe place and finish this,"
"Pinetree are you sure?" Bill asked her.
"I'm still confused," Jamie muttered.

Dipper looked at Jamie and started to explain what he meant by it. He explain how angels have two sides and how they can be used for good.

Bill helped explained this as well and slowly they explained the plan. Since Dipper can basically control people this could work.

They just need Mabel and the rest to also help out on this plan. Since Dipper touched Allen and Vivian he could control them and everyone else he touched.

The downfall into this plan that Dipper might suffer great damage from this since he's already hurt and weak.

"We just need Mabel and the others," Dipper mumbled.
"I know a place, but it's near the top floor," Jamie said, "Vivian has that hologram thingy and I stole the key to it."
"We can do it then," Dipper said.
"We need the camera and it's in the locked room that I have the key too," Jamie said.
"Pinetree..." Bill placed his hand on Dipper's cheek, "I-I can't let you."

Dipper wrapped his arms around Bill's neck and muttered, "Let me do this." Bill still said he couldn't and held him back. Bill didn't want Dipper to get hurt more than he actually was. He cares too much.

"Sapling you're going to get hurt even more and I can't have that," Bill told Dipper, "I just can't."
"Let's make a promise," Dipper was ready to make his pinky promise.

Bill wasn't sure at first because he had a feeling that something might go wrong. At the same time, he just had too.

"I won't go over board and you can stop me when I go too far," Dipper explained, "I won't push my limit and if I do... put me to sleep."
"Pinetree, are you sure?" Bill questioned.
"Yes, because I know that I'll do everything in my power to keep people safe even if I die," Dipper was being honest, "But now I have you... I have something to stay for and my own actions can affect you too. I don't want to be the reason why you can't move on from your life."
"Pinetree..." Bill said.
"Promise me..." Dipper said, "That you won't look back if something happens to me."
"I won't because you made me a better person and if I can't look back at the good times when why promise," Bill told him, "But I will try to stop you from killing your self."
"Okay..." Dipper said, "Lock and key."
"Lock and key," Bill said.
"That was great," Jamie was still in the room, "wish that I had that."
"You will..." Bill said, "Believe me."

They started to go up the stairs and Bill called Mabel.

"BILL CIPHER WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Mabel yelled through the phone.
"I never told her," Bill spoke in Latin.
"She's gonna kill you later," Dipper said.
"Yes, but we have a plan and we can end this in about," Bill looked at Jamie.
"Ten to fifteen," Jamie told Bill, "If we hurry it can be a little early."
"Ten to fifteen minutes!" Bill said.
"What do you want us to do," Mabel said.
"Collar and lots of them," Bill explained, "If the bad guys start acting weird and helping out don't worry about it."
"Okay?" Mabel wasn't getting it until a few seconds later, "oh.... But isn't that dangerous for Dippy?"
"We made a promise to stop him as soon as he goes past his limit," Bill mumbled, "But you have to make them quick because we would only have a little time."
"I'm not doing so well Mabel," Dipper said.
"Dippy are you sure?" Mabel asked, "This could be really dangerous."
"I'm sure," Dipper answered.
"I'll see ya soon!" Mabel yelled.

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