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Third Person

Bill, Will, and Mabel were making final improvements to the plan while Andrew, Star, and Lady Widow were getting the rest of the class ready for battle. Everyone wasn't scared because they knew that this would be normal one day for them.

Fighting bad guys and going on recuse mission on a daily. Soul was giving everyone a small pep talk to everyone. The person that they capture was awake and demanding his freedom. Like they were gonna let him go.

"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY," A few kids yelled.

Bill, Will, and Mabel finished talking about the plan. Bill was getting annoyed with their prisoner and his yelling. Bill's eyes widen when he said.

"HAHAHA!" He laughed, "By the time you get to him he'll be dead."

Bill started to remember the things that he promised Dipper, all the things he did with him altogether. Bill remembered this one moment very clearly because it was only a few days ago.

They were in Bill's room and Dipper was sitting on his lap while talking about random things like they usually do.

"Biiillll love me!," Dipper told him.
"Okay Pinetree," Bill chuckled before giving him kisses.
"Hahahm," Dipper chuckled as he nuzzled his head into his neck.
"You're so adorable,," Bill answered.
Dipper kissed his cheek, "I just love my little dork."
"I'm not a dork," Bill said.
"To me..." Dipper smiled softly, "You're everything I've ever wanted."
"I love you too, Pinetree," Bill smiled and held him, "I really love you."

Bill looked at him in anger and went over to him.

"Let me go!"
"BILL WHAT THE FUCK!" Soul and a few other people yelled.

Bill kicked them in the stomach and then punched him in the face making them bleed. Bill didn't want to deal with his bullshit anymore, so he did what he thought would teach him a lesson.

One for kidnapping his little Pinetree and also being way too loud. Two good perfectly good reasons to hurt someone, right?

"Shut up," His voice was cold, "Don't say shit... I will get my sapling back one way or another."
"He probably dea-" Bill kicked him again.
"Don't make me kill you,"

Soul pulled him away because she could tell that Bill was at the limit that he will do anything that he said.

"Pull yourself together Cipher," Soul said, "Don't let that jackass get in your head because he's probably tricking you. They always do that to get in your head."
"..." Bill was dead silent.
Soul was starting to worry about him, "Bill just calm down and let's focus."
"Okay," He answered.
"Alright," Soul said.

Mabel looked at everyone and smiled. She made something and everyone just looked at her.

"M-Mabel?" Star stuttered.
She held it right, "He's in danger and my job is to protect my little brother."
"Mabel make that disappear," Lady Widow sat next to her, "The cops will shot you with that."
"This won't do any damage to anyone... it just keeps the person from using their powers." Mabel explained.
"Do you even know how to use it?" Andrew asked.
"Of course I do," Mabel said, "I was trained."
"So how long?" Will asked and everyone was surprised.
"Four hours tops," Mabel answered.
"How many?" Will asked.

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