26~ Kidding

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"You're kidding, right?" I questioned in disbelief.

"No, I am not kidding. I had the same procedure done, but the pain and torture that I went through when it got infected was awful. So you are going to get it removed." My mother stated.

I glanced at my father with wide eyes,

"You're seriously gonna let her do this?"

My dad kind of shrugged his shoulders,

"I think it's a good idea. Apparently appendicitis runs through the Flores side of the family. I believe Lynne is going to get the same surgery, soon."

I let out a huff,

"There is no way in hell that I'm going to let surgeons take out one of my perfectly, healthy organs."

"I'm not giving you a choice, Blair. You're going to get it done, tomorrow at two." My mother told me.

"No, it's my body. I'm not getting an organ removed." I stated, crossing my arms and sitting back in my chair.

"It's not a choice, it's for your safety." My mother said.

I glanced at my dad once again as he began to speak,

"It's a good idea, why not consider it?"

"Because its a bunch of bullshit." I answered.

"Watch your mouth, young lady." My mother scolded me.

I rolled my eyes,

"You guys used worse. Uncle Noah tells me all the stories."

Both of my parents glanced at each other before my mother began speaking... once again,

"Enough of the attitude. You're getting it, that's final."

"No." I stood my ground-although I was sitting.

"No?" My dad asked, then continued,

"You never say 'no' to your parents."

"Well, I just did. I'm not getting the damn surgery and there's nothing you two can do about it." I exclaimed, standing up.

I stormed right out of the dining room and over to the bottom of our staircase.

"Blair, get over here now." My mothers voice demanded.

"No, I'm done talking to you two." I told them, before storming up the stairs.

Who does she think she is? Trying to force me into a surgery that I don't wanna do. Like, hello? It's my body. Mine! Plus, my organs are healthy-no point in removing it until I have to.

One thing I know for sure, is that I am not going to get that surgery. I'll probably just leave the house-or something.

I could run away. Me and my squad could leave this hellhole and go to California... maybe New York...

I mentally sighed, I'll get there somehow, someday.

My hand reached my door handle, before opening it and my legs lead me inside. Then-I closed the door behind me.

Yeah... I'm not getting that surgery. No way in hell that I am.


"Blair, let's go!" My mother called from downstairs.

It's twelve o'clock, the day after my parents sprung the idea of me getting surgery. And my mother is still thinking that I'm getting it.

Hell no I'm not.

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