21~ Flippin'

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As a kid, my mother always went along with stereotypes. Thinking that they were right. But, now that I look at it, at least she payed attention to me then.

But, she also went along with what she did as a youngling. So, signing me up for dance, parkour, gymnastics, karate, was her way of turning me into her.

Jokes on her, it didn't fucking work!

Well, at least not the gymnastics and karate. Hip hop is fun-but I'm still not my mom because she did contemporary. And, parkour is probably the only thing I'm good at because of my long legs and athleticism.

I don't want to be my mom, I want to be more like my dad or Uncle Noah.

"Miss. Cohen?" A voice asks from behind me.

I turn around to be faced with the schools principal,


"Follow me." He stated.

I wasn't 'bout to argue, because I was most likely in trouble for something. So I closed my locker door and followed him as he lead us through the halls.

At some point, we had walked past mine and Jamie's four best friends.

They frowned in confusion. Me-not being able to use words while walking behind the principal-I shrugged my shoulders.

I followed him through the main office-my locker being on the first floor and we didn't have to walk very far. And straight into his office.

"Sit." He demanded as he took a seat in his chair. Not to mention, his chair that looked way more comfortable than the wooden ones that I'm supposed to sit in.

"I'm not a dog." I stated.

He huffed and placed his hands on his desk,

"Please take a seat."

That time, I did,

"What did I do now?"

He opened the desk drawer that was directly in front of him, and he pulled out a grey folder.

He then handed it to me,

"Open it."

I took it from his hands and didn't hesitate to open it. It was full of pictures. Each picture was the wall of the back of the school. But, someone graffitied it.

Not just some random student, though. I recognize this artwork as Alexa's, just something specific about the technique and colour scheme is what she always does. She always paints words like 'risk taker', 'YOLO', and things like that. She, in fact, did 'YOLO' this time, surrounded with lightning bolts.

I see why the principal came to me, though. I've graffitied the school before, but never anything this big and space-taking. So he could be asking me if I did this, or if I know who did this.

"You've taken it too far this time, Miss. Cohen. This is going to result in suspension." He told me.

Oh man... I'm not going to rat out Alexa,

"I understand."

"I will be calling your parents at home immediately, and if they do not answer, I will call their workplace. You are not to stay at school any longer than you have to, today." He said, taking the folder back.

I nodded,

"When will I be coming back?"

"Next week on Tuesday. So you have four days of suspension, not including the weekend. I will ask your teachers to gather up paperwork for you tomorrow and I can get Miss. Flores to bring it to you."

I nodded, understanding.

"Now go pack your things." He demanded.

I stood up, and walked right out of his office... then out of the main office.

"Blair, what's going on?" Kade asked, the three others behind him.

"I'm suspended." I told them and started walking towards my locker which is a few hallways over.

"What? What did you do this time?" Charlie asked me.

"Nothing." I stated.

Us five walked down the hall together, but I was surprised that they even cared.

"Wait, Blair, he saw the back wall?" Alexa asked quickly.

I nodded.

"No! Why did you do that, you could've said it was me!" She exclaimed.

"That's not what you do when something is specifically blamed on you and it was one of your best friends-you deal with the consequences." I explained.

"Alexa, what did you do?" Kade asked her.

"Well, I-uh-graffitied the back wall." She answered.

"Wh-Blair, why did you take the blame?" Charlie asked me in confusion.

I shrugged,

"He already blamed it on me, no sense in changing his suspicions."

We had arrived at my locker, and I punched in my combination.

"Blair, I'm going to go back and change his mind." Alexa argued, and began to turn away. But Colton gently grabbed her arm and whispered something in her ear-which made her stop.

I opened my door, and slipped off my slip-on vans. Then, picking those up and stuffing them into my backpack.

"What do you want us to tell Jamie?" Kade asked me as I put my black UGGs on.

"The truth." I replied.

I grabbed my backpack and slipped it over my shoulders. Then, I grabbed my winter jacket, and just slung it over my forearm-before closing my locker door.

"When do you come back?" Colton asks, which slightly surprised me. I don't hear his voice very often.

"Next Tuesday." I answered him.

Charlie walked up to me and brought me into a hug,

"I hate that you're a good person."

We all laughed a little as she let go.

Kade came over to me and pulled me into a one arm hug,

"See you soon."

I hugged back with my right arm, before we both let go.

I did the same hug with Alexa as I did with Charlie.

Colton is not a huggy person, so I just glanced at him and held my hand out as we always do before we do our handshake.

He let out a breathy chuckle and accepted.

We hit the palms of our hands, then the back of them, then fist bump, then I hit the bottom of my fist on top of his, then his does the same to me, and then we fist bump for the last time.

"Bye guys." I said as I walked towards the office once again.


"You're an irresponsible child, Blair. I wish you were more like me! Then we wouldn't have to continuously come to your school and pick you up after you've done something stupid like vandalize." My mother exclaimed as we both stood in the kitchen.

She had already taken my phone away, only until Tuesday though. Now she's flippin' her shit on me.

"You need to grow up a little." She stated.


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