33~ Guidance

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"Go pack duffle bags. We're getting out of here."

So, that's what we did.

We all rushed home, except for Kade because he was passed out cold. And everyone packed a bag of necessities. His brother packed a bag for him.

Well, first of all-I got in my house through my bedroom window. So no one would see me.

So, anyways, once I was in my house I packed a bag with clothes, toothbrush, phone charger, AirPods, everything that I would need, basically. And then I was out.

Right now, we're all in separate vehicles. I'm with Charlie, her two sisters, Alexa and her sister.

So, all of the girls are in one vehicle and the guys are in another. We just thought it would work out better.

"Where are we even going?" Alexa questions. Her sister was the driver as of right now.

"Well, we're not sure on how long we'll need to be gone for. So, we'll continue to move locations. But as of right now, we are heading to Ohio." Her sister, Marla, replied.

We all nodded, understanding.

"Why Ohio?" Charlie's oldest sister, Lola asked.

"There's so much forest land, we'd be completely off the grid." Marla answered.

"We got a cabin out there?" Charlie asked.

"Two, huge cabins, actually. One for the girls, one for the guys. And they're all on the same land, with a lake in front of them, it's really nice." Marla replied-once again.

"So we're practically on vacation?" Charlie's other sister, Courtney, asked.

"Guess so." Lola stated.

This might be fun, this will actually be fun.

"There is power, television, Netflix, everything we need as mid to late teens or early twenties or whatever we are." Marla assured us.

This is gonna be fun.


"Did anyone pack a bathing suit?" Lola questioned.

We all stared at her in disappointment, that was until Charlie spoke up,

"It's winter."

She glared at us all,

"Did no one see the hot tub out there?"

Everyone glanced outside, but could not see much since it was pitch black outside. No one really bothered to stand up and check-we're all pretty tired from the five and a half hour car ride.

Then, the room went back to a silence.

For some reason, I didn't really want to be down stairs. Like, I'm pretty tired.

We're all in our cabin, the girls'. The boys are gonna head to theirs in a few, everyone looks pretty tired and beat.

"I'm gonna go check on Kade." I stated before standing up.

"Okay." Most people replied, some people replied with "Alright".

I walked out of the living room, and over to the stairs-which are in the living room, not to mention. (Room Below)

 (Room Below)

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