43~ Past 2

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Still Kaytlyn's POV
4-5 months pregnant


"Honey, did you order the bedside tables for our room like I asked?" I questioned Hunter, walking into the kitchen where he was sitting-doing stuff on the laptop.

"Not yet, Darlin'. The wedding has kind of been keeping me occupied." He replied, not looking up from the computer screen.

He proposed me to me one month into my pregnancy. How damn long does it take?

"I'll order them, then." I stated, sitting down while taking my phone out of my pant pocket.

"I'll get to it soon, just leave it." He told me.

"Well it needs to get done, since no one leaves their houses anymore to go shopping-may as well order everything online." I explained, going to the website that we've been ordering most of our household items from.

A few weeks after we found out that I was pregnant, we began searching for houses-still in Lansing Michigan. Eventually we practically found our dream house on Jenkins Street. It's big, spacious-very spacious, beautiful. It's so nice. We're still continuing to order the things we need, though.

My parents officially moved into the house that they own, the one that me, Noah, Lilli and Kyle all grew up in. They retired from the Apple Company. Still watching over it closely, but me, Hunter, Lilli, and Noah all own it now.

Yeah. Lilli owns it too. Because the spouses of both me and Noah get to own it too. We're all the owners.

Yup, spouses. Spouses!  After I got pregnant, and a couple weeks after me and Hunter bought our house, Lilli told me that she was pregnant... with Noah's kid.

I was furious. But, I obviously hid it and they have no idea I was ever mad. I acted happy, in reality I was pissed.

"Darlin', I don't want you stressing over the house. You leave the wedding and house up to me-," he tried to assure me, but I cut him off,

"No. I'm not going to be useless just because there's a human inside of me."

"Well that human needs to be healthy. If you push yourself too much, something could happen to her." Hunter told me.

"Her?" I questioned him. We wanted it to be a surprise, he couldn't possibly know.

"Yeah, I'm getting girl vibes. And I've always wanted a daughter." He explained, slightly smiling to himself.

I shrugged my shoulders,

"I think it's a boy due to the kicks that I'm feeling."

He shrugged just as I did,

"It's a badass girl."

I lightly chuckled as he spoke again,

"We can always have more than one."

"Well if it's a girl, we'll keep trying until we get a boy." I stated.

He chuckled,



"Where the fuck is all the Nutella?" I asked angrily, looking in the cabinet for my delicious, chocolaty goodness.

"There's no more, I was just  about to go grocery shopping." Hunter stated, walking into the kitchen where I currently was.

"Okay, well go."  I demanded.

He nodded, walked over to me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, then heads directly out the front door.

I sighed, what a cutie.

I walked back over to the laptop where I was sitting before, and continued to order house stuff.

It's kind of hard to paint and decorate a baby's room if you don't know the gender. So Lilli just told me to do it gender neutral. But I like the colour blue... the most basic boy colour.

So, me and Hunter agreed on grey. Nowhere near blue. But it'll be okay, because once a boy pops out of me, we will paint it blue and decorate it for a boy.

We'll find out in about two months.

I continued to order baby items, like soft blankets, baby bottles, crib sheets. Everything we'll need. So currently I'm looking at strollers.

I will want to go on lots of walks to work off the pregnancy fat that I accumulated over the nine months. Especially since I'm eating like double the amount I was before. Maybe even more. I am eating for two.

There's several strollers... some are like sixty bucks, some are like eight hundred bucks.

Maybe three hundred is the way to go? Don't need something for eight hundred dollars that is only going to be used for a year or so.

My cell phone began ringing, I checked the caller ID.


I answered the phone,


"Hey! What are you up to today?" She exclaimed.

"Just online shopping, soon to be eating Nutella. Why?" I replied.

"I've been watching Netflix all day. Kind of want to get out, wanna have dinner at our place or your place or something?" She rambled.

I glanced at the time at the bottom right corner of the laptop, four eleven,

"Yeah, sounds good. It can be at our place."

"Okay! I'm literally coming over in yoga pants and a nice blouse, type thing. Okay?" She stated.

I chuckled,

"I'll be wearing the same."

"Okay, we'll come over around six?" She asked me.

"Yep, sure thing." I told her.

"Alrighty, see you then." She said.

"Yup." I responded, then we both hung up.

What would be a big enough meal for Lilli eating for two people, as well as her baby, Noah eating, Hunter eating, and then me eating for both me and the baby.

Lasagna has always been a favourite of ours.


We were all at the table eating, and I just didn't feel right at all.

"Kate," Noah started,

"You don't look good at all."

That turned the other two's attention towards me.

"He's right, you really don't." Hunter said, looking me over.

I shrugged,

"Not feeling too hot."

"I'm taking you upstairs before you pass out down here." Lilli stated, standing up.

Then Hunter cut in,

"No, let me. You-as well-are carrying a child."

"How about I take her up?" Noah joined in.

"No! I'll go up by myself." I snapped.

They all looked shocked for a brief moment, before I walked away.

I walked over to our spiral staircase, and walked up them. Probably just my morning sickness lasting a bit longer than expected.


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