40~ Brain

639 34 3

I've been thinking. Why was breaking up with me so easy for Kade? Like, to end a relationship is a difficult thing to do, why did it come so easily to him?

My answer is that he'd been thinking about it for a while. A long while. So he just felt that when we were alone in my room was the best time to tell me.

Yeah, sure. I appreciate him not going along with the relationship if he doesn't wanna be in it. But-

"Blair!" Charlie called, rushing into our room-then slamming the door behind her.

"That's my name." I stated, pausing my show and looking at her.

"You and Kade broke up?" She asked, out of breath from the run to our room from the first floor.

I nodded,

"Yeah. A few days ago."

"Wha-why?" She exclaimed, sitting down on the bed.

"He didn't wanna love someone like me who takes risks and lives in the moment." I stated.

She frowned in confusion,

"That asshat."

I shrugged,

"Now you can have him."

She shot her head towards me,

"No! He broke your heart, that's not what best friends do!"

I was taken back a bit by her outburst,

"My heart isn't broken."

She looked at me,


I nodded,

"Yeah. I'm assuming he broke up with me for someone else, anyways."

"Why's that?" She questioned me.

"It came to him too easily." I told her.

She looked at me, a sad look spread across her face,

"You okay?"

I nodded with a shrug,



"Guys! Everyone in the living room, now!"

That was definitely Zach's loud voice that just awoke me from my deep, very peaceful nap.

He said everyone, that means everyone.

I unburied myself from the many sheets I was under, and I stood up. The room is so fucking cold, the hell? Is there no heating?

Glancing down at my leggings and hoodie that I was wearing, I began my way out of the room and downstairs.

My stomach has definitely been feeling much better, and I'm pretty sure I get the stitches out within the next two weeks. Then I'll be done with all of this shit.

Once I had entered the living room, Charlie gestured her hand telling me to sit beside her. I did just that.

"Alright. Big stuff is happening-" Zach tried to say, but he was cut off by Atticus making his way in,

"You woke me up, asshole."

"Sit down." Zach and Asher both demanded.

Once he was settled, Zach began speaking again,

"They tried to kill two of us. And word is out that they know where we're located once again."

We all groaned, then he continued,

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